fracture [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • thanks for sharing this information with us, i think it’s important to discuss this stuff on the fediverse

    i notice that beehaw doesn’t have a similar clause in its TOS, as far as i can tell. without the expectation of you answering this question, i’m wondering what the difference is between the two such that cohost has such a clause and beehaw doesn’t. maybe it’s because one is run by an individual and one is run by a small company?

    i did a search on cohost itself to see if anyone else talked about this and found this quite extensive thread:

    so based on what you’ve said and what’s in that thread, i’m gonna update my post with some qualifications about cohost. thanks for piqing my interest in the TOS

  • i actually had the same reservations, but as i thought about it more, i think stray actually makes more sense as a movie. that way you can give the cat more personality and drive, rather than trying to capitalize on people’s desires to be a cat and do cat things. the game really shoehorns in the narrative, especially past the first half. it would have worked better with a more personified creature imo, since the game really ends up being driven by the narrative rather than the whimsy of the player (which is what i would have expected from a game whose focus was on doing cat things)

  • in case you’re like me and didn’t know, PFAS refer to per- and polyflyoroalkyl substances, which seem to be correlated with negative health outcomes (re: developmental problems, cancer, fertility issues, etc) and are particularly tricky because they take a long time to break down.

    they’re highly hydrophobic substances used in e.g. teflon. their use has decreased as we’ve come to understand their harms more, but we’re still dealing with the results of their high usage from the past. certain industries seem to still use it (stain repellants, polishes, paints, coatings)

  • i think there’s probably some good points in here. however, the presentation you’ve chosen here makes it difficult understand what those points are (i thought these critiques were about the same game / genre of games at first, but i’m thinking they’re now probably separate critiques about different styles of storytelling); especially since each point probably deserves its own post, along with named examples of games where you’ve encountered this

    but i think there are some critiques in here worth mentioning, things like “it’s difficult to find games where your actions have a lasting impact and don’t just resolve the obstacle in front of you; while still having compelling gameplay”. or “sequels commonly don’t understand what made the original popular”. these are good, compelling critiques of things that happen in video games. this also allow people to recommend games that maybe address those complaints or maybe don’t

    unfortunately, it’s hard to have that discussion right now because it currently boils down to “stories in games are dogshit”. and i mean, i can empathize, even if i don’t necessarily agree. maybe you just needed to get it off your chest, which is cool. hopefully this feedback helps you if you want to have a more in-depth, nuanced discussion about this later