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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I grew up several miles from Pocklington (the home of the business named in the article) and having any industry up there other than pig-farming would have been a welcome change. The British government forced this country into an idiotic referendum on a matter where very few people understood the consequences of the “Leave” decision, and then doubled down on their failed gamble by fucking up the post-Brexit negotiations.

    Blaming entrepreneurs, who were simply trying to create a business & employ people, something that this government purports to support, for lacking the foresight to realise how incompetent and self-serving this government is, seems delusional.

  • This one, every time. Imagine buying a product or service for an agreed price, and then being guilt-tripped into having to pay 20%, or more, on top because the owners don’t pay their staff enough salary to survive on. It should be fucking illegal. Pay your staff a proper salary and charge your clients the price you published on your menu/price-list etc. Running a business isn’t a god-given right, and if you can’t do it without screwing your employees over, then you’re not capable of running a business period. You should bugger off and let someone who is capable, and who isn’t an empathy vacuum have a go.