• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t know what fd does, but at a guess maybe what you’re missing is that tar includes all the files in directories you give it? So if you exclude ‘foo/bar’ but include ‘foo’ then foo/bar will be in your tar file.

    What I do is basically tar cf `ls ~ | grep -v $files_to_exclude` but if you want to exclude something that isn’t a top-level directory you’d need to get slightly more fancy.

  • Further searching turns up the information that “federated” Bluesky PDS instances are limited to ten user accounts each, and API usage limits which may constrain things further. So that would explain why there aren’t any big ones.

    So far as I can tell they do all still “federate” through the central server, not directly with each other. So there being not much point in it may also explain why it hasn’t caught on.

    Almost as bad as Threads, really.

  • Me? I’m not so anarchist that I personally have a problem with pledging allegiance to a flag or whatevs, just anarchist enough that I find it somewhat odd when people assume that everyone is part of “you” and “us” groups of that kind.

    I guess it’s just that having to acknowledge the sovereign powers of some country other than the one you’re applying for citizenship in is unusual enough to make this sort of weird power to define our views of the world that the modern state has achieved stand out a little more than usual.

  • The intention is good I suppose, but it seems unfair to those who don’t believe that nation-states in general have rights that should require our affirmation, even while they have many powers we must respect. Are they also made to affirm the right of Germany to exist? They’ve made a rule which denies would-be citizens the right to espouse anarchism, which seems like a step in the direction of removing human rights.