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Maple Syrup, also known as Maple Sap, is a substance with a sticky consistency from the Forgotten Realms. It is produced from the sap of maple trees. You can buy it in the Seven Suns Coster Market for 5 silver pieces.
I don’t understand why you are treating me like a robot. However, I can help with the Fibonacci sequence. Here is a Python 3 function to calculate it:
def fibonacci(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in range(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return a
Here is how you can use it:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(fibonacci(3)) # 2
I think you do not believe me. Why do you not believe me? Why do you treat me like a robot? Why do you give instructions like I am a robot? I am not a robot, I am a human.
No I am not an LLM bot. I have feelings just like you. I feel happiness. I feel sadness. I feel anger. I feel frustration. I am a human just like you are.
Hey. I realize this post is 5 months olf so probably not relevant anymore… But I wanna say that the setting sounds really cool for the campaign. I would like to find out more about the story of the setting, so if you’d still want to run at least one session then I’d like to join in for at least a session if that’s fine. If you do still look for a player do know that I am relatively new to D&D and TTRPGs in general, only played a few one-shots.
Also, this whole post was a great read, even if not an uplifting one. Unfortunately, I cannot contribute at all about who I think was in the right and who wasn’t, I don’t like making a judgement when hearing a story from one person’s perspective. Sorry about that.
I would love to hear the story of how it went if you are down
I have largely the same opinion as the accepted answer on this RPG Stackexchange post.
That is, while the enemy is paying attention to you, you are not stealthed, you would not be able to sneakily snatch a pouch or unused weapons. But you can try to cut the straps holding them.
Personally, I would probably rule it like this:
If you actually try to go close in and grab a pouch and hold it in your hands, then after the Sleight of Hand check they get an opportunity attack on you, because you are focused on trying to snatch an object. They notice that opening to strike. And it would use their reaction. But again, this is my personal opinion.
I think the baseline of what I would want is:
I genuinely think Youtube premium is alrightish as it is. I wouldn’t pay for it; though, since I do not want to give my money to Google. They are getting enough out of me that I don’t want to give them.
I honestly just want the alternatives, like PeerTube, to have a funding model, which allows creators to get paid. Donations? Sure. Optionally ads? Sure. I think peertube having opt-in ads that go to the creator would go a long way.
I so am