• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • It sea4ches in different languages, but there is no way to force language of the results. Instead, ot tries to be “smart” and uses languages of the region. So it has the same problem Google and Bing does: giving you results in random languages outside of language region (or in multi-lingual regions), even when request is explicitly in language A.

    There is a feature request to implement this setting, but not much hope to have this soon.

    On this note, if someone knows of a search engine that allows specifying language of results, please let me know :)

  • This piece of interview with Roger Corman on Joe Dante’s work on trailers is my fawourite:

    "Were there any elements that you had to tell Dante to tone down?

    Not really. There was one memorable moment when Joe showed me a trailer for a picture just before lunch. I said, “Joe, it’s alright, but it isn’t quite as exciting as I would like it to be.” He said, “Let me work on it through lunch.” I came back after lunch, and it was exactly the same trailer, trimmed a little bit, with an exploding helicopter. I said, “Joe, that’s an exploding helicopter from a war picture we shot in the Philippines!” He said, “Well, don’t you think it helps the trailer?” It did. It was great. And I thought about it for a little while, and I figured, there’s no law that says every scene in a trailer has to be in the picture. So we left it in. After that, whenever Joe had a dull moment in a trailer, he would add the exploding helicopter."

    Src, full interview

  • Most people don’t care about ethics /politics or the networks and corporations. They will use what’s convenient — familiar facebook where friends and family already are, instagram where you get (this frustrates me the most) announcements from cool places about events, twitter where shitshtorms and instant news happen and so on.

    None of my friends moved or know about Fediverse. Some heard about Mastodon.

  • A few years ago OSMAnd for iOS was much more limited than Android version. Not sure how it is today though. If that’s still the case, could be just features are limited and app does less work.

    Or it could be fast Apple processors, better rendering API or anything else.

    Screenshot from OSMAnd on Pixel 7P for illustration

    On the screenshot you see: vector offline map, 3d hill shadows, height countour lines, 3d view, many route layers, navigation and POIs rendered.