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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Personally, I feel like it would be great to normalize therapeutic supports to such an extent that we can let go of the idea they represent something being “wrong” with anybody. We have collectively developed this bizarre sense that we shouldn’t need each other, that you should have to face your challenges on your own.

    If you are personally in the position where therapy is accessible to you, I encourage you to go for it - even if there is “nothing wrong with you” (lol) - and then recommend it to others, talk about how it helps you grow and learn, etc. The mental health world is still fraught with challenging, dangerous stigmas and the best way to improve that is to show others that it’s the stigmas that are dangerous, not the supports.

  • I have heard it simplified as “what goes in, must come out”. If you are experiencing high stress without processing the stress, it will create problems for you physically. However if you are able to integrate stressful experiences mentally/emotionally, you wouldn’t experience adverse effects. So it’s really a matter of whether you hold onto stress or not. That said, I think anybody who is able to manage stress effectively and with a great deal of understanding is also going to be actively working to minimize their exposure to stress to what they know they can reasonably handle. There are other factors as well, such as the quality of your diet, the type of community surrounding you, etc. The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté addresses a lot of this type of thing for anybody curious about how things are linked. Also some good videos on YT if you don’t want to read the whole book haha.