• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Back when I was in online dating (I got married in 2010, so it has been a very long time), this is how it seemed to work in the hetero arena:

    • Women (by which I mean, legitimate accounts from women who were actually looking for dates): Get 1,000,000 messages, approximately 999,900 of which are dick pics.
    • Men: See 1,000,000 ads, of which about 3 are legitimate people looking for dates.

    So, both could be true in relation to the image.

    I remember a guy once telling me that basically you have to respond to EVERY AD and hope something sticks. I never did that, and I felt bad for what the women must have had to deal with when I heard that. I had very limited success - dates with, at most, two or three women, and none of those really went anywhere. I ended up marrying someone from work instead.

  • Thanks. You have to set it up in YAML - there’s no GUI. Here’s the page on it. Obviously you need to know your adapter’s MAC, but that’s not usually too hard to find.

    It sets up a switch entity, which is a little odd to me, because it’s not an on-and-off device - toggling it just triggers the WoL command. But I guess that makes the most sense; I don’t think there’s a “button” entity.

    Edit: It does look like the entity can track the status of the computer, but it’s not working for me. Hostname is probably not correct.