I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Back before streaming I was using the Netflix DVD plan ripping and dropping them on 4.7g blanks. I had a few binders of just my favorite stuff. I owned all the originals for all the Disney that I could get my hands on and all of my favorite cult classics. But what I was really missing was TV shows. TV shows are just expensive as hell in DVD format.

    When streaming hit I finally got around to testing Netflix out. My child got fixated Chuggington. He was halfway through when they pulled it from the streaming service. I started digging around, but at the time it was really hard to find TV content. I eventually managed to get the rest of chuggington. I bought a lifetime subscription to playon, and from then on anytime he started to show a strong interest in a show I would just go ahead and record the whole thing I put it locally on tversity at the time. But Netflix just kept having the same patterns of dropping stuff off. The websites started with these are the things you should watch before they disappear from Netflix. I was just done with trusting them.

    Years later the same kind of things happened with Amazon. I remember Sheriff Callie being a real pain in the rump. It went from free streaming to purchase seasons only overnight.

    Eventually, Playon abandoned their lifetime client and I just went straight to newsgroup/torrent.

  • It’s crazy as hell watching that form factor reduce. The early bipeds looked like first generation NASA moon landing suits. That thing looks small enough to fit in clothing you could buy at a local department store.

    And while I think the 360 pivoting hips are an interesting touch I really wish they would constrain themselves to human anatomical moves.

  • I never stopped. I have streaming video and audio subscriptions, But I’ve never stopped keeping up my catalogs.

    Every time I get over invested in one company or another they end up going out of business or selling and reducing half of their catalog. I’ll give d+ their sub for Agatha, I’ll give Hulu their sub for Futurama. When Wednesday comes back I’ll swap D+ for Netflix for the season again. But every single one of those episodes still goes to my local archive The same as if I would have recorded or a VHS tape in the '90s.

  • Unfortunately there are way too many variables just to answer that definitively.

    If you put a thousand Watt resistive heater in a room 1,000 watts will generate 1000 watts worth of heat give or take. But if you use a heat pump, 1000 watts of power can be used to move 3,500 Watts worth of heat outside to in. Speaking from a theoretical power concept.

    If you’re heating your entire house to 20 or 30° above ambient, you’ll have losses on the roof in every wall, If you’re just eating one room all you have are the losses of that room so insulation becomes a weird thing to calculate.

    You can’t just let your pipes freeze if you’re a freezing zone, but generally unless you’re central is super efficient, maintaining a comfortable temperature in one room is more cost-effective, heating one room should cost somewhat less than try to heat the whole house no matter what method you’re using.

  • I used enlightenment for something like a decade. When Gnome hit the big time I used Gnome because it looked Nice and was very flexible. I went back to Mac and Windows Land for a bit, when I came back I went Gnome again. I just screw around for a day looking and picking plugins and fighting with it to get it exactly how I wanted it. After fighting with one of the older plugins that mustn’t doing what I wanted to do I saw somebody mentioned using KDE. I tried KDE and sure enough every single thing I was plugging the hell out of Gnome for was a default setting in KDE. I’m currently running Plasma. I must say that Cinnamon’s not bad either.