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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • you can put political pressure on your government to stop supporting a government killing civilians.

    What do you think Hamas is? They aren’t some random small terror organisation. They are the government of Gaza. So what’s stopping Palestinians from putting pressure on them?

    Hamas needs to be dealt with as a terrorist group.

    And how exactly do you think that’s supposed to work? You don’t like what Israel is doing, fine, what’s your alternative?

  • I think that in it’s core, it’s a fight for freedom.

    You must have drunken too much of the Hamas Cool-Aid.


    The original, 1988 version of the charter emphasize four main themes: [18]

    • Destroying Israel and establishing an Islamic theocracy in Palestine is essential;[18]
    • Unrestrained jihad is necessary to achieve this;[18]
    • Negotiated resolutions of Jewish and Palestinian claims to the land are unacceptable;[18]
    • Historical anti-semitic tropes that reinforce the goals.[18]

    The Covenant proclaims that Israel will exist until Islam obliterates it, and jihad against Jews is required until Judgement Day. Compromise over the land is forbidden. The documents promote holy war as divinely ordained, reject political solutions, and call for instilling these views in children.[18]

  • but had an unfortunate name

    I have a hard time seeing how anybody can be stupid enough to make such a colossal mistake by accident. Let alone how it can slip through all the layers of QA that are in place and then take so f’n long to fix it once the bug reports come pouring in. This is not a small woopsy, but goes completely against decade long establish GUI nomenclature. This was straight up from the malware dark pattern cookbook.

    And even ignoring that, an upload into the cloud should always come with a big fat warning anyway. The whole process made it incredible unclear where the data is going, who has access to it, how long it is staying, how to delete it and all that.

    All that from a company that has made “privacy” their main marketing feature.

    Long story short, people mistook it for a screenshotting tool.

    It IS a screenshooting tool.

    when Mozilla realized their blunder they cut out the sharing part

    The sharing part was great. The problem was never the functionality, but the malicious and misleading integration of it. Them removing that part just felt like they were trying to hide the evidence of their misdoings instead of fixing the problem.

  • How does a completely decentralized platform handle data that should be removed?

    You make a blacklists of forbidden content and relays can use or ignore it. It’s up to the relay, there is no central authority that can make content go away globally. Nostr is build to be censorship-resistent.

    In the long run I think a platform like that

    It’s not a platform, it’s just a protocol and apps using that protocol.

  • I can move to another Mastodon instance, and keep following the same accounts.

    You can’t. What you can and can’t follow is determined by whatever the server federates with, which is not under your control. Also you lose all your followers and in case of server shutdown all the accounts on that server stop existing, so you can’t follow them either.

    Federation is a brittle framework that starts collapsing the moment anybody tries to use it seriously.

  • Let’s not forget threads planned to monetize every interaction it was aware of,

    So does GMail. Making money running a bit of the network should not be a problem, quite the opposite, that just means the network won’t run out of money. This kind of arbitrary enforcing of political ideology should have no place this low in the network structure.

    Let’s not forget we’re really breaking new ground here

    We really aren’t. It’s just repeating what EMail and Usenet have done for 40 years.