• 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I looked it up and a block in Chicago (where I live) is between 100 to 600 meters.

    Chicago and New York have similar walkability, at least in my experience.

    Nearest Grocery Store is 1.2 km (0.8miles) away from me, I usually take my bike to go shopping

    Nearest park is like… 50 feet from me (15meters) but I happen to live right next to a park.

    Nearest cornerstore is 300 meters

    Nearest train station is 600 meters

    Nearest library is 800 meters

    To add some more,

    Nearest bar is 400 meters away

    I’m a musician, within 1km of me there are 4 open mics I can go to

    Nearest theater is the Music Box which is 1.2 km away

    Nearest baseball stadium is 1 km away

    God I love Chicago

  • I worked at a preppy catholic school in Chicago. Every year they had a Gala with an auction where people would throw around $60k like it was nothing. Afterwards all the parents of students I taught were plastered and grinding on each other on the dancefloor, and then I was invited to a sex party in the hotel they stayed at. Being 20 years younger than these folks, I was really weirded out.

    Catholics go hard.

  • I’ve had good and bad interactions with them, so I just think “hey they are flawed (hopefully) human beings that have good days and bad days”. Chances are if I treat them (or anyone) kindly, the interaction will be positive.

    My goal online is to try and be a wholesome user, although that doesn’t always happen. I usually delete my comments when I don’t like how I acted with someone else as I want to remind myself to take a kinder approach to Lemmy. There’s enough toxicity online.

    I think “would Mr. Rodgers approve?”

  • ✅ Military experience. We may need a leader who knows first hand the danger they are putting our young men and women in.

    ✅ Governing experience (if you can be a community organizer, peanut farmer, or reality TV star, being a mayor is absolutely legitimate experience)

    ✅ Federal experience

    ✅ I’m gonna say it- in hindsight he managed the rail union strike amazingly well. He avoided a supply chain catastrophy, then a few months later got the union the sick time they need. He had his cake and ate it too.

    ✅ Medicare for those who want it is a realistic plan. It’s it perfect? No. But it’s better and more importantly can pass through Congress.

    I fully expect comments to fully support this take without any criticism for a center left candidate who doesn’t plan on tearing down capitalism brick by brick./s

  • Yep.

    Bad things are gonna happen regardless. Good things are going to happen regardless. There’s the things in the news, the things in your community, the things in your friend and family groups, and the things that happen to you on your day to day.

    While it’s important to focus on the problems we face and the changes we can make, we also need to focus on the wins no matter how small. Mere pessimism isn’t enough. Mere optimism isn’t enough. Mere anything isn’t enough because life isn’t that simple.

    Take time to mourn, but fight against the waves of despair that want to drown you.

    "Hope is the thing with feathers

    That perches in the soul

    It songs the tune without the words

    And never stops at all"