• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2020

  • They are not PR people, don’t expected that of just normal people having fun. No one is promising “chrome killer coming in six months”.

    Thig is that for SerenityOS they want to make everything from scratch, ssh, ssl, libraries, utils, text editor… even the browser. They could have just porr Firefox, but that was not the point. To use it you had to complile whole OS.

    But since browser got some attention and sone complex sites (like guthub and twitter) started working in it, to make project more viable they are dropping this constraint for browser. I guess they migt use some gui library, ssl lib, codecs… stuff like that. But, I expect, they will not use others code for rendering engine and js, but continue with implementation from documentation.

    While some in this thread say they are racist, homophobic and stuff. Maybe some are maybe just not polished for public speak, do we really think everyone in google is totally clean?

  • I always wondered why they haven’t been doing it from the start, seams like it is not as simple as I imagine.

    People will take it, there is no other option and G is working hard not to allow another video platform.

    Problem is ads they are playing are awful and loud. We will make way to silent them and black them out, it is not hard.

    Bigger problem is content they are pushing is getting bad and is pushing creators into burnout. And I don’t want to see videos companies are creating, but want individual contributions.

  • Do you have an idea what attracts you to her?

    Do you know how humans choose their partners?

    \We usually choose ones that wake up our traumas. It is known emotion for us and looks like attraction, especially sexually. Yeah, we are quite perverse. You know that old idiom “similar to your mother”, yeah but not physically or obviously. For me it was that my mother, contrary to what she is saying, hated her father. That also means she hates all man, including her son (me). Keep in mind she is not aware of any of this hate. So until I discovered that, I was attracted to women that hated their father in the same way my mother did. They also hated, and were attracted to, all man. You can imagine how difficult those relationships are.

    Go get her, you will have your hearth broken. And it is worth it. But also find some psychotherapist to help you with solving this issue so that next one will be the one that is kind to you.

  • Sorry for seeing the comments now, but it’s never too late hopefully.

    Therapy helped me. Looking back first important step was noticing that I am angry. It is strange how hidden and unrecognizable anger can be.

    Second part is discovering why I was angry. As soon as we discover why are we angry, we stop being angry. When ai asked my shrink how does that work, he said “I don’t know, but it works”. And it really does.

    Now when someone says “I am angery and I know why I am angre” I am sure they have no idea.

    And I haven’t found other way to resolve that, than psychoanalysis as therapy.

  • For me it depends where on the spectrum they are and how old they are. Some older people are totally normal for my definition of normal and would have hard time to explain difference between them and just some introvert.

    Sadly I know few kids with autism and while I know that it is autism, to tell you the truth they seam stupid (low inteligence) or something like that. They do not speak, there is no reasoning with them, no explanation from them even at 5 yo.

    I usually doubt it is just autism and think there must be some teauma too, since their parents are not really good parents.

    I hope they will learn to speak or communicate in some way, because like this they will not be able to take care of themselves.

  • We haven’t solved the problem of preventing sociopaths and psychopaths from becoming powerful yet, and it’s hard to believe that society will ever solve that problem, since sociopaths and psychopaths will always exist.

    Yes, and it even works the other way around - we are choosing our leaders and we are choosing craziest ones. That is how group dynamic is working like, according to Bion:

    And perhaps one of the most important findings in his experiments was that whenever a group is formed, it always seeks a leader to follow. The group then searches for someone who has questionable attributes with his or her mental health. Initially, the group will search for someone who is paranoid schizophrenic or someone who is malignant hysteric. If the group is unable to find someone with those attributes, the group looks for someone with delinquent trends and a psychopathic personality. Otherwise, the group would just settle on the verbally facile high-grade defective.

    You might find his “Experiences in groups” quite interesting.