• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Because I refuse to give up on speaking the truth about the matter, and how corrupt the admins are, and demonstrating the very serious flaws and problems Lemmy as a platform has (there are a lot of ways people can exploit Lemmy to be a massive douche canoe, for starters).

    Because truth is valuable for its own sake even if no one will listen.

    People really ought to go back to separate websites and small forums, and get away from federation in general. It doesn’t do any real good.

  • And it does, because I am the one who has been calling out popular instances for this crap since day one and have been banned repeatedly for it. To which you don’t bat an eye because who cares what happens to an inebriated pachyderm? Instance admins would never abuse their power to protect their feelings or cover up their wrongdoing with you. You’re kind and sober, after all.

    Ask yourself where it is you’re going to go when .world admins ban you for criticizing them, or other innocuous shit like your political speech, or simply because they don’t like you. .world controls the vast majority of Lemmy’s userbase so what happens to you and any followings you build then? What will happen when major protests erupt next year and they censor people like fucking Reddit did?

    All I can do is warn you. And once again you’ll refuse to listen to me because you’re too busy, how did you put it? Making it all about you and your hurt feelings from my words instead of displaying the humility and wisdom required to do what’s right. And the one who will pay the price for it is you.

  • Oh lol at you comparing some spoiled kid who killed his own mother to neurodivergent people as if that isn’t blatantly ableist and insulting as fuck.

    Also you need to learn empathy and to start seeing things from the other side. The safety of everyone else is more important than this kid’s feelings because he killed an innocent person unjustifiably. That fact does not change because he is a kid. He is now a threat to the community, and you’ve no right to demand the community subvert its own right to existence just to appease your wack-ass sensibilities.

    His punishment has to put him in jail where he’ll be removed from society and still retain some rights. It’s the only fair and just way.

    This is a kid, it’s an accident, a tragic one.

    This is you sympathizing with the wrong person and not caring about anyone other than yourself and you making yourself look good at the expense of literally everyone around you.

  • Excuse you, Mr. You’re-An-Invalid-Not-Capable-Of-Defending-Yourself? Your whole point is deeply insulting and offensive. Be civil and stop making it. See how that works? Anything can and is uncivil to somewhere at sometime. So don’t cry to me about your poor sensitive little feelings when you give not one single fuck for mine.

    If he doesn’t have a gun and can’t fight, then he needs cops to protect him from people who do have guns and can fight.

    No, the answer to not having a gun and not being able to fight is to get a gun and gain the ability to fight. If you cannot do that, ally yourself with friends and family who 1) do and 2) are willing to defend you, even with their lives.

    That’s the only real answer because we’ve seen clearly that cops 1) legally are not obligated to protect anybody, 2) won’t, 3) are tyrannical and more interested in entrenching power over other people than doing anything positive.

    Cops are not the answer to the human condition. Only friends and family are, really. Only you youself are, ultimately.

    Is that everyone? No. I never said it was.

    That’s clearly what you’re implying, or did you mean something else by your obnoxious threatening statement?