Marketer. Photographer. Husband & dad. Lego, Minecraft, & Preds hockey fan. Movie buff, but pls #NoSpoilers!

Also Also Also Used to be @pwnicholson on IG, FB, TW, etc

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The MPAA rating system didn’t start widespread use until the early 1970s, and even then (as you’d expect since since it is the MPA"A") only in the USA. Other rating systems in other countries followed later (for the most part).

    So any movie prior to that would have been unrated when it came out. Especially if it was a non-USA production.

    Any rating you see on a movie older than that has been applied after the fact.

  • Keep in mind a lot (and I mean A LOT) of Minecraft players are kids. Like, under 12. My kids started when they were 7. And a huge percentage of them and if the older players are casual players. Not everyone is putting in hours a day. Minecraft is very friendly to very casual gaming. Low system requirements. Very social. Quick to pick up, but plenty there to keep you busy for hours if you want to put in the time.

    This is a lot of work and grinding for kids and more casual players, and makes it even more where survival is for more advanced gamers and casuals will be left playing creative.

    It would be one thing if this was another addition like the Deep Dark that can just be avoided if you’re a casual player. But without these enchantments it’s much harder to get to the ‘fun relaxed survival’ mode, or to get to the level where people can take on the Ender Dragon much less a Wither, etc.

    Even people who like to play ‘creative survival’ and just have fun building will have a hard time because without being able to get these enchantments with relative ease, you’ll have you grind for weeks/months of casual play you get them - or you’ll be left having to craft new pick axes every 10 minutes because you keep burning through them.