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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Thank you for this awesome list! I had terrible experience with OSS Document Scanner and Image Toolbox though.

    The scanner would just distort every image like crazy!! Would 100% of the time utterly fail to detect the paper edges even against high contrast backgrounds without any patterns and under very good lighting. I did like 20+ photos and immediately deleted the app, it didn’t produce a single usable result.

    And image toolbox was just a pain to use. If you compare how you apply filters in e.g. Instagram to this app, the UX is purely frustrating :( Though the app looks nice and has lots of features :)

    Sorry for all the negativity 😅 I’ll try to be more positive by sharing my favorite Spotify alternative, which is basically a YouTube music client with premium features. The service remains proprietary but the same applies to discord. InnerTune

  • This isn’t possible as of now, at least not reliably. Yes, you can tailor a model to one specific generative model, but because we have no reliable outlier detection (to train the “AI made detector”), a generative model can always be trained with the detector model incorporated in the training process. The generative model (or a new model only designed to perturb output of the “original” generative model) would then learn to create outliers to the outlier detector, effectively fooling the detector. An outlier is everything that pretends to be “normal” but isn’t.

    In short: as of now we have no way to effectively and reliably defend against adversarial examples. This implies, that we have no way to effectively and reliably detect AI generated content.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, I might be mixing up some things.

  • You don’t seem to understand the difference between mRNA vaccines and an immune escape mutation of a virus evading the immune systems response of the hosts.

    Also part of why those beneficial mutations occurred is that a large (enough) portion of people weren’t vaccinated. The “potential” hosts, that required adaptation because they’ve seen how the virus looks like through vaccines, create an evolutionary pressure.

    Even though this is about bacteria, not viruses and happens inside a petri dish, not in a natural environment, it quite illustratively shows how mutations work. Note, that even though the antibiotics are completely ineffective against the bacteria at the end, this does NOT mean, that it’s useless to begin with. It’s very effective, in fact so much that only small doses suffice to keep the bacteria away. But they mutate randomly yet with a selective (evolutionary) pressure. Maybe you’re too much of a “skeptic” to change your mind. But if you’re truly skeptic, try to be skeptic about your currently held believes too. The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plVk4NVIUh8

  • Absolutely. I didn’t mean to say he “only” changed my view, in case that’s the impression. He is a great man, the entire (digital) world is built on his legacy so to say, yet barely anyone knows about him.

    PS: little anecdote as I once went to an Apple Store and scrolled through the software licenses in the settings on an iPad of iOS and found one crediting Richard Stallman as the author. I just left it like that, thought it’s funny having his name on an iPad in the Apple Store :p