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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • I would NEVER willingly use govt healthcare if I had a choice, the US has ALWAYS had govt healthcare which has let our veterans down for decades, and poor and low income people alwmost as long.

    On school vouchers, I’m 100% for having a choice of where (my) money gets spent on my kids education. Im fortunate to have a great public school system where I am, but that wasn’t the case for me growing up, shithole inner city schools that failed us all. A voucher system then could have put me in a better school of my parents choice, which existed 3mi from mine, and I would have been assigned there, if I literally lived on the other side of my street.

    Our local govts dont want vouchers, because it takes from the teachers unions, which dont like being held accountable for doing thier jobs.

  • Access to healthcare up there is hardly an unknown thing, very literally the first thing that came up in a Google.

    A comprehensive new cross-border study of Canadians and Americans from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds those north of the border dealing with considerably more difficulty in accessing care. This is the first in a three-part series canvassing opinion on access to, quality of, and policy towards health care in Canada.

    It finds that over the last six months, two-in-five Canadians (41%) – approximately 12.8 million adults – say they either had a difficult time accessing or were totally unable to access one of five key health services: non-emergency care, emergency care, surgery, diagnostic testing, and specialist appointments.

    Americans are much less likely to say they encountered barriers to accessing those services, despite near-identical levels of the population seeking this type of care – 70 per cent in the United States and 74 per cent in Canada.

    Asked how confident they feel that they could access urgent care in a timely fashion if a household emergency arises, 37 per cent of Canadians are confident while 61 per cent are not. In the United States, 70 per cent are confident, while one-quarter (25%) are not.


    The healthcare access has been reported on a bazillion times, documentaries made, their own stats used against the Universal healthcare crying that some in the US want, etc.

  • They did, but went from being welcoming to the normal type of toxic users, they went the other way to become politically motivated gatekeepers, called everything that didn’t line up with their political narrative “misinformation”, and banned any and all the had any type of different opinion. While 100% being OK with people regardless of how toxic they were, as long as anything they said lined up with what they were OK with. Hardly a good situation.

  • Perfectly worded and 100% accurate. I’ve honestly even started losing my faith with this instance, you just bought me some time!

    What’s great about thier crying about being oppressed with Capitalism, is doing nothing but ranting about their Unions getting them… wait for it, MORE MONEY! Ahahahahaha. The Irony. I say that as a Union guy, but being in a Union isn’t my religion like it is theirs.

  • There may be more to it, I don’t know, but personally I wouldn’t like lemmy.world, an otherwise fine instance by all means, to become a centrist liberal silo where no other opinion outside (mostly US-centric) liberal orthodoxy is heard. So yeah, not convinced that this was the right decision, basically because of a lack of evidence.

    Neither would I, I’m a Libertarian, so I have beliefs on both sides, and more importantly, I think for myself. But let’s be real, what we wind up with isn’t honest questions, or people honestly questioning why either side has a belief out of honest curiosity, it’s hatred and trolling, and I don’t mean “hatred” in the 2023 version, where it’s everything you disagree with, I mean the actual definition of the word.

    I’t sad because nobody should have to put themselves in a like minded echo chamber, people should be able to interact with each other like adults, but again, it’s 2023, and I fear that’s not coming back.

  • Whether I used black or poc or white or caucasian is irrelevant. You’re the one that went on a rant about the fact that I used one instead of the other. I just used appropriate words.

    Ah, the "appropriate one, gotcha. Because it’s not appropriate to call a black person black, because it’s not PC right?

    They HIRED A LAWYER. A professional at “that shit.” Spare me your dramatics.

    Point out the “dramatics” of saying some people are better at arguing than others. Hiring a lawyer is literally proof of that.

    Because that is the only salient difference here.

    One that you’re going out of your way to prove, I made the comparison based on rules and event that followed, not the color of the kids skin.

    “Signed: Sincerely yours, thanks for proving my point, racism doesn’t exist.”

    Quote where I said racism doesn’t exist, you’re proof that it does.

  • Aside from the fact, you’re quoting "totally the same thing.” Which I never said, you’re ignoring the exact same situation, yet dismissing one because it had a better outcome, no thanks to my brother, simple because of race. You’re clearly tip toeing which is pretty damn obvious with Situation 1 being about a “POC”, yet situation 2 is a “white kid”, why not a black kid? Why not a Caucasian? Finny, how the stupid PC terms only come out for one side? Also why should I “be careful” how I worded something? The PC police coming for me?

    The entire point is that literally the same dipshit rule exists, public and private, and kids get shit over it, and when one side if better at out arguing the school and it drops, it’s because of race, nothing else, which ignores the common sense that if that were truly the driver, then my niece wouldn’t have had that problem to begin with, but again… MAKE IT abuot race!

  • random65837@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    It doesnt fund itself. It rakes it in.

    That’s still funding itself, you’re not liking the deal or your opinion of how much they should make doesn’t change that. That’s just reality.

    A few ads are fine imo. The problem is I can watch a 9 minute video and be subjected to more advertising than the telly.

    Correct, and that’s their choice, OR you can pay and get rid of them, OR do like most and block them all. DNS and Sponsorblock work wonders.