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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think it comes down to just knowing what is good. When you’re young you don’t have any experience to judge quality by. As you get older you can rapidly assess that something sucks, even if other people are pumping it up. Either in terms of gameplay or plot or whatever, now you have standards. Also, a lot of modern games just don’t respect your time, and as you get older you realize your time is valuable so you just don’t have the patience for that.

    I’m in my 30s, I still game, but I’m a lot quicker to just go “this sucks” and move on to something else.

  • nixOS , because it’s a completely atomic distribution, like a docker container OS style. You define the state of the system in a configuration file, which can even control the kernel, and you can switch to an older configuration file in any reboot. It’s more of a pain than the others, but it works ok out of the box and when you fix something it stays fixed so you’ll never end up in a situation where something breaks and you can’t fix it.

    Also, all the packages bring their own versions of their own libraries and directly link to them so they’ll never break during upgrades, but conversely a lot of Linux installers that try to link to system libraries won’t work.

  • This is what I got.

    Step 1: The Setting
    An old farmhouse, slightly dilapidated but filled with charm and history, stands surrounded by fields and woods. The farmhouse, located in a rural area, has been in the old woman’s family for generations. However, the closest college town is just a 20-minute drive away, making it a feasible place for college students to stay.

    Step 2: The Characters

    Lillian (Lilly): An 88-year-old woman, sharp as a tack, with a mischievous sense of humor. Widowed, with stories of her late husband and her adventures. She's fiercely independent but realizes she could use some help around the place.
    Mike: A 20-year-old college student studying agriculture. He's grounded, serious about his studies, and is always looking for practical experience. However, he's a bit socially awkward.
    Jasper: A 21-year-old college student majoring in digital media and film. He's spontaneous, energetic, and often comes up with wild ideas. He's in college more for the experience than the education.

    Step 3: The Premise
    Mike finds an advertisement where Lilly offers affordable rent at her farmhouse in exchange for help with chores. Seeing it as a great opportunity to gain hands-on farming experience, he jumps on the offer. Jasper, looking for cheaper rent and a break from the monotony of dorm life, decides to join Mike despite having no interest in farming. Lilly is initially hesitant about having two young men living with her but warms up to the idea, thinking it could be fun and helpful.

    Step 4: Recurring Themes/Scenarios

    Cultural Clashes: Lilly's old-school ways often clash with the boys' modern college lifestyle, leading to comedic misunderstandings.
    Teachable Moments: Lilly imparts wisdom from her long life, while the boys teach her about modern technology and current college life.
    Odd-couple Dynamics: Mike and Jasper have contrasting personalities, which often lead to humorous conflicts and reconciliations.
    Farm Misadventures: Jasper's lack of farming knowledge causes regular chaos, like accidentally releasing all the chickens or trying to turn a part of the farm into a film set.
    College Intrusions: College friends and events spill over into the farmhouse, like surprise parties or study groups, much to Lilly's amusement or chagrin.

    Step 5: Sample Plotlines

    The Drone Debacle: Jasper tries to film the farmhouse using a drone for a class project. However, the drone scares the livestock, leading to chaos. Lilly, Mike, and Jasper then have to work together to restore order.
    Secrets of the Attic: Mike discovers old photographs and artifacts in the attic, sparking a trip down memory lane for Lilly and history lessons for the boys.
    The Farmhand Competition: After another one of Jasper's mishaps, Mike challenges him to handle the farm chores for a day. Lilly becomes the judge, and comedic challenges ensue.
    Digital Farming: The boys try to modernize the farm operations using apps and digital tools, leading to humorous consequences.
    Lilly Goes to College: Jasper thinks it would be fun to bring Lilly to one of his classes. Her old-world wisdom ends up stealing the show.

    Step 6: Underlying Message
    Despite the age and cultural gap, the trio forms an unbreakable bond. The sitcom highlights the beauty of intergenerational friendships, the blending of old-world wisdom with modern innovation, and the comedic adventures that ensue when worlds collide.

    In the end, the show would be a heartwarming comedy that celebrates the unlikely friendships that form when people from different walks of life come together.

    EDIT: The point of posting this is to demonstrate that even if two outputs are similar, they’re very sensitive to the user’s built in pre-prompts and the version of ChatGPT being used. So two people can get very different outputs for the same prompt.

  • Scaling rewards the player’s engagement and skills, while no-scaling rewards time and effort put into levelling your character. Both have their ups and downs, and most games use a hybrid implementation with some leeway for the scaling (skyrim for example).

    In my opinion Skyrim is one example of it being done badly. Partly because not seeing weaker enemies anymore breaks immersion, but mostly because any attempt to engage with the non-combat systems will break your power curve. If you take Smithing from 10 to 80 for example, that’s 8 levels the enemies now have on you. So you have to be using Smithing a lot to make up for that. It’s worse if it’s something like 150 points over Lockpicking / Speech and Pickpocket which have no benefit in combat. That’s another 15 levels the enemies get, and it’s even worse if you switch from one handed weapons to two handed, or change armor types at any point.