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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Giving indigenous people a voice is apartheid? That’s some racist fearmongering if I’ve ever heard it. You say that every time you try to have a conversation about the issue you get called racist? Have you considered that maybe it’s because you are racist? No, of course not; that would require a level of introspection that you are too cowardly to reach for, whether you admit it or not.

    I sincerely hope that you some day find the courage to confront your prejudices and grow as a person, but I’m not interested in waiting for that day.

  • Name calling is unnecessary.

    Indigenous people definitely were NOT part of the formation of the Australian government and in order to participate they have had to conform in order to get votes from people outside their group, right?

    And to reiterate, it’s called the Voice because that’s what it will give them. That’s it. Just a way to have some formal input (that can still be ignored) without having to pander to people that do not understand their way of life. Is it enough? No, but it’s a start at least.

    I, for one, know that if I was just living my life and an outside group of people came and told me that they were taking over and I had to do things their way instead if I had any hope of having a say in my future, I would be pretty pissed. I would also be pretty pissed that those same outsiders would presume to deny me a voice for reasons that they can’t coherently articulate without resorting to name calling.

  • So your argument boils down to, “I don’t want to change the constitution?” If a purely advisory body was created by an act of parliament then you’d be okay with it?

    What I meant by standing apart is that there is this group of people that were living their best lives for 60k years and then another group of people came and said, “This place is ours now and we are going to run it like we want and we don’t give a shit about your customs, so either start doing things our way or fuck off.” They are standing apart because they weren’t included.

  • As other commenters have pointed out, anything coming out of the Voice is non-binding, so it’s powers have been already decided and it will be effectively powerless. There are legitimate arguments that have been made for and against, but I don’t think yours is one of them.

    Moreover, I think you are looking at it the wrong way. It’s not so much that it is giving a specific racial group a special government body as it’s giving a group of people that stand apart from the Australian government a voice. If this group of people were not a single racial group, but otherwise everything was exactly the same, would you still vote no?

  • Thanks for the sources; however, the National Library of Medicine is using data from 1993 and the other doesn’t specify by how much the violations rates are increasing or what the rates even are and the link to the underlying data appears to be dead.

    edit: I had time to look into this further and it appears that it was very common to fudge the paper logbook, but as of 2017 they’re required to use electronic logbook devices (ELD’s), so that is no longer possible. Yes, sleep deprivation due to violating the hours of service regulations was definitely a thing in the past, but I can’t find any data that indicates that it still is.

  • Or we could, I don’t know, maybe try to treat her? I would rather live in a world where we treated all mentally ill people, even dangerous ones, with compassion than one where we just lock them up and throw away the key. I personally think that we, as a society, have a moral responsibility to lift each other up, but even if you look at it from a selfish point of view, it still makes sense. For example, it’s possible that someday, you might have a mental break, maybe due to a tragic event or brutal experience, and will need help and wouldn’t you rather be treated kindly rather than being locked away and forgotten about?