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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Guys, it’s fine that you like them, feel free to use them.

    On the other hand, you cannot argue against the facts that these cars explode from time to time, the infrastructure for them is nowhere near as good as for regular cars and that charging and range are worse. So no, they are far from ready.

    To me it seems like electric cars are meant to be a replacement for gasoline cars, yet they are worse almost at everything (today). They are basically a solution to a non-existent problem.

    Some argue they are more ecological, yet this is debatable. I don’t know but explosions don’t seem too ecological to me and the fact you can throw out a huge battery cell approximately every 8 years does not seem ecological either. Especially when we add the cost of the battery replacement, it does not make sense to replace it. Economically, it’s a better decision to just buy a new car, which again creates additional waste… EDIT: If you need to push an alternative fuel through, I see more potential in hydrogen. The infrastructure is even worse though :/

  • For how long have we been building gas stations compared to chargers?

    Of course charging will become faster over time and maybe even overtake the gasoline cars. What will do this to batteries though? Despite development, super fast charging still kills the battery more than slow charging and the loss of performance would be felt during winter.

    But yes, once electric cars have the same range and can be charged as fast as gasoline cars can be fille, the main drawback will be away. That does not mean I will buy one, maybe just for a city and if I have enough money not to care that much about 20k.