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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Reading your comment made me realize something important.

    Creators should pay the hosting of the files (at a reasonnable rate of course), so the longer and higher quality they want to upload, they have to pay a little fee. Now, it’ll certainly skim off the stupid random uploads that nobody need, and lower storage cost of useless videos. (I only have a couple of vids, I don’t mind paying for the storage to keep them live, and I stop paying, they are free to delete them, no problem)

    Next, viewers should pay for the streaming, which is legit anyway, why not, as far as it is at a - yet again - reasonable price.

    This should make the plateform content of better quality without all the shit posts, then less ads for the free viewers if reasonable would be enough.

    Problem is Google is greedy beyond return, they’ll never take a good decision that favorites us instead of them.

    My opinion anyway.

  • Here is my take on this.

    First, I am with OP on this, but with mild counter points:

    • I block ads because they are intrusive, contain scam and viruses
    • I don’t want to pay YT because I am already the product, and my trust is long gone about them saying they respect my privacy
    • “Hosting is expensive” is what we hear left and right but…
      • letting people upload many hours long is not what YT was supposed to be,
      • 4K vids and up are huge, so is HDR, do we really need such fat video files/streams? I don’t…
      • for those who need 2000inch TV size quality, yeah, they want to charge those.
    • I would be OK to pay, but google will rise the price eventually and it feels like changing a contrcat I signed to begin with and I dan’t agree with that. (price raising reason are the previous points above, I am not concerned by those and I don’t see why I should pay that much)
    • I am a google pixel user, google already got some of my money anyway, which I am happy with.

    In the same vein, I wait Netflix to raise their price again (I bit the bullet twice) but there won’t be a third time.
    Same for Spotify.

    Those services should realize they are not essential, just bare useful, and should be priced as such.

    Just my 2cts.