• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Alternative SMS / RCS apps in iOS would be very nice to have.

    That said, people who are buying iPhones are usually buying iPhones because they like Apple’s experiences. People that want more options for default apps tend to be going to Android.

    At least with SMS / RCS, people can buy a different phone and explore different clients. When I talk to my friends and family in countries dominated by Line, WeChat, or WhatsApp, I’m kind of stuck dealing with those crappy user experiences. Those companies want to trap me in their user experiences and there are even fewer alternatives if I want to interact on their platforms.

  • A couple of other journalists have theorized that there might be some quid pro quo happening with the mayor and the family that owns California Waste Solutions.

    There has been shady stuff happening city contracts and lawsuits around CWS. People are wondering if the recycling company might be paying off a politician in order to get preferential treatment with the city.

    But who knows, the FBI has not announced charges. It’s going to be a while before we find out what is actually going on. It’s all just speculation right now.

  • It wasn’t my intention to come across as aggressive. Not trying to pick a fight here.

    I’m honestly just curious about how some gen AI features are showing for you. If you are able to access them, I would love to reproduce what you did so that I could fiddle with the AI as well. I’m seeing the same bedtime stories on my iOS 17 / 18 devices and my Ventura Mac.

    When ask iOS 18 Siri to tell me a story, I get the same handful of stories over and over. Mouse college friends, a spider with the spindly legs, ground squirrels, etc. 🤷‍♂️