• 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • QT is a cross platform UI development framework, its goal is to look native to the platform it operates on. This video by a linux maintainer from 2014 explains its benefits over GTK, its a fun video and I don’t think the issues have really changed.

    Most GTK advocates will argue QT is developed by Trolltech and isn’t GPL licensed so could go closed source! This argument seems to ignore open source projects use the Open Source releases of QT and if Trolltech did close source then the last open source would be maintained (much like GTK).

    Personally I would avoid Flutter on the grounds its a Google owned library and Google have the attention span of a toddler.

    Not helping that assessment is Google let go of the Fuschia team (which Flutter was being developed for) and seems to have let go a lot of Flutter developers.

    Personally I hate web frontends as local applications. They integrate poorly on the desktop and often the JS engine has weird memory leaks

  • I agree Grian shenanigans are fantastic.

    I am currently working my way through Mumbo’s S6 and the best episodes so far have Iskall and Grian in them.

    The thing I have noticed it Mumbo isn’t really pressuring himself on a build. He has just kept focus on the storage system because he is finding it fun.

    I thought Grian was at his best with the barge, his episodes had a flow where he would resource, stock the bardge, do a “small” build/project and then shenanigans.

    I am not sure that flow is sustainable but he was clearly having fun.

    At the moment it just seems he is increasingly beating himself up on being a builder and needing to build the most epic base ever.

  • SpaceX are on track to launch 130 times this year. The industry competitors launch 6-12 times per year.

    I suspect the higher incident rate is related, since you will need to manufacture, roll out, etc… much more often.

    The article also talks about most the incidents being in booster recovery. Only 2 Space competitors do that,

    Blue Origins sub orbital booster always returned to launch site and at best managed monthly launch. This rocket hasn’t launched in more than a year.

    Rocket Lab perform ocean recovery but only launched 11 times last year and only recovered the booster twice.

    So its hard to really compare

  • I have listened and as the seasons go on I get increasingly worried about him. He is increasingly showing signs of burn out so clearly his flow isn’t working for him.

    Listen to season 7 as he talks about the back of the mansion. He is feeling self pressure to complete the back and he is getting fustrated at himself.

    Its the same with the Ally, you can hear how excited he is at the start and as the season progresses anything to do with the ally he talks about like an unpleasant chore.

    With the stones other hermits try to intervene to help him, his reaction there really doesn’t seem a bit. It sounded a lot like the panic caused by burn out.

    He clearly loves being on the SMP and his shenanigans and ideas are fantastic and clearly a lot of fun for him. I want him to stick around and think unless he learns how to break up work so he can find joy in all his builds he will loose that joy

  • You are far worse than the people you are claiming to act against.

    Lots of people can feel something is a problem and struggle to articulate it. So you have to take people on a case by case basis.

    OP talks about how they feel diverse characters are shoe horned in or badly written. Ask them to provide an example.

    When they can’t, then call them out. They are a bigot and deserve scorn.

    If they can provide an example, help them understand the issue and use appropriate language.

    Calling someone out who genuinely feels there is a problem doesn’t stop them feeling there is a problem. These people will go looking for some who acknowledges their feelings.

    Which is how you make a bigot

  • Immutable distributions won’t solve the problem.

    You have 3 types of testing unit (descrete part of code), integration (how a software piece works with others) and system testing (e.g. the software running in its environment). Modern software development has build chains to simplify testing all 3 levels.

    Debian’s change freeze effectively puts a known state of software through system testing. The downside its effecitvely ‘free play’ testing of the software so it requires a big pool of users and a lot of time to be effective. This means software in debian can use releases up to 3 years old.

    Something like Fedora relies on the test packs built into the open source software, the issue here is testing in open source world is really variable in quality. So somethinng like Fedora can pull down broken code that passes its tests and compiles.

    The immutable concept is about testing a core set of utilities so you can run the containers of software on top. You haven’t stopped the code in the containers being released with bugs or breaking changes you’ve just given yourself a means to back out of it. It’s a band aid to the actual problem.

    The solution is to look at core parts of the software stack and look to improve the test infrastructure, phoronix manages to run the latest Kernel’s on various types of hardware for benchmarking, why hasn’t the Linux foundation set up a computing hall to compile and run system level testing for staged changes?

    Similarly website’s are largely developed with all 3 levels of testing, using things like Jest/Mocha/etc… for Unit/Integration testing and Robots/Cypress/Selenium/Storybook/etc… for system testing. While GTK and KDE apps all have unit/integration tests where are the system level test frameworks?

    All this is kinda boring while ‘containers!’ is exciting new technology

  • You seem to be intentionally missing the point, but to reiterate…

    You shower before entering a pool to wash the dirt from your body off (your cleaning yourself).

    The more of your body covered the less effective that shower is.

    Ideally everyone would be naked in the shower, but there are probably outfits which increasingly render the shower less and less effective (e.g. speedos are better than shorts, etc .).

    It would not surprise me if a Burkina covered so much that the cleaning shower is rendered pointless

  • The shower before a pool is to ensure people aren’t entering the pool coated in dirt (e.g. sweat, hair, dead skin, etc…).

    The chemicals in a pool are designed to bind to that dirt and kill any bacteria introduced.

    There is a limit to the chemicals you can add to a pool (before it hurts humans) and once the amount has activated you need to drain the pool and refill it.

    Swimming pools hold crazy amounts of water which is also really expensive to heat up, so pools want to do that as little as possible.

    Clothing interfers with cleaning your body, so people entering near fully clothed (e.g. like a Burkina) will likely introduce more dirt into the pool.

    That translates into increased costs for swimming pools or pools which maintain the old schedule and just operate unsafely.

    This is all based on owning a hot tub and learning how to maintain it.

    Hopefully this also explains why it doesn’t matter people enter the sea fully clothed

  • The developer behind KBin seems to have issues delegating/accepting contributors.

    If you look at the pull requests, most have been unreviewed for months and he tends to regularly push his branches once complete and just merge them in.

    That behaviour drove the MBin fork, where 4-5 people were really keen to contribute but were frustrated.

    To some extent that would be ok, its his project and if he doesn’t want to encourage contributions that is his decision but…

    KBin.social has gotten to the size where it really should have multiple admins (or a paid full time person). Which it doesn’t have.

    The developer has also told us he has gone through a divorce, moved into his own place, gotten a full time job and now had surgery.

    Thats a lot for any normal person and he is going through that while trying to wear 2 hats (dev & ops) each of which would consume most of your free time.

    Personally I moved to kbin.run which is run by one of the MBin devs

  • Wine attempts to translate Windows calls into Linux, its developed by Codeweavers whose focus is/was application compatibility.

    Valve took Wine and modify it to best support games, the result is called Proton. For example:

    Someone built a library to convert DirectX 9-11 calls and turn them into Vulkan ones, it was written in C++ and is called DxVK.

    Wine has strict rules on only C code and their directx library handles odd behaviour from old CAD applications.

    Valve doesn’t care about that, they care that the Wine DirectX library is slow and buggy and DxVK isn’t. So they pull out Wines and use DxVK.

    There are lots of smaller changes, these are ‘Proton Fixes’, sometimes Proton Fixes are passed on to Wine. Sometimes they can’t but discussion happens and a Wine fix is developed.