• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nvidia drivers don’t tend to be as performant under linux.

    With AMD instead of using the AMD VLK driver, you would use the RADV (developed largely by valve). Which petforms better.

    Every AMD card under linux supports OpenCL (the driver is more based on graphics card architecture) and you install it very easily. Googling it with windows found pages of errors and missing support.

    Blender supports OpenCL. I bet the 2x improvement is Blender being able to ofload rendering to the AMD graphics card.

    Also this represents the biggest headache in Linux, lots of gamers insist they can only use Nvidia cards. Nvidia treats linux as an afterthought as best or deliberately sabotages things at worse.

    AMD embraced open source and so Linux land is much nicer on AMD (and to a less extent Intel).

    The results here will probably be a DxVK quirk, lots of “Nvidia optimised” games have game engines doing weird things and the Nvidia driver compensates. DxVK has been identifying that to produce “good” vulkan calls.

  • SpaceX are launching 26-52 satellites at a time and have sustained 3 launches a week for most of the year.

    The satellites are in a Low Earth Orbit, without constant thrust, atmospheric drag will force them to re enter earths atmosphere within a few months. This means they aren’t adding to junk in space.

    Unlike Nasa, ULA, Arriannespace, RoscosMos, etc… SpaceX have always performed 2nd Stage Deorbit burns, so they aren’t adding to Space junk by launching either.

    The Low Earth Orbit is to ensure low latency and the need for constant thrust means the satellites have a short life expectancy by design. That is why SpaceX fought to keep the satellites as cheap as possible (e.g. $250k)

    First stage booster reuse and fairing reuse means the majority of the launch cost is the second stage ($15 million).

    The whole lot is privately funded

  • I have always had 1 question.

    In voyager we see the Borg have thousands of ships of varying sizes and control a vast area of space. Voyager is able to take down spheres and small cubes.

    Yet in Wolf 359 a single cube attacks and destroys hundreds of star fleet vessels. If a single cube is able to have that level of effect why didn’t the borg commit a larger fleet?

    You have the same issue in First Contact, they only commit 1 cube.

    Considering how difficult the federation finds holding them back, attacking with 3-6 cubes would seemto assure victory

  • The issue is end to end encryption.

    The law change requires messaging applications to be able to provide messages between people using their service.

    In the 00’s, messaging applications would have a secure connection between themselves and person A and anouther secure connection between themselves and Person B.

    Person A would encrypt the message, send it to the service, who would decrypt it, open a connection to Person B, encrypt the message and send to Person B.

    So if the police got a warrent for communications of Person B (say the police think the person is involved in human trafficking), then the messaging service could provide all messages sent to Person B.

    Message services have taken themselves out of the loop, Person A now encrypts the message and sends directly to Person B. So the police appear with a warrent and the message service shrugs its shoulders since it hasno means to get the data.

    The law effectively requires messaging services to design the apps/service so they can comply with a warrent.

    The issue is less encryption and more the balance between your right to privacy and states right to intrude.

    This is why banks aren’t upset, they aren’t talking about back dooring encryption and bank encryption is between you and the bank so they don’t have to do/say anything.

  • Tesla actually market it as a positive.

    Car manufacturers have to setup different manufacturing lines to provide different feature levels. Tesla argue this makes them more expensive. Tesla cars have all features installed, just disabled and the optional extra packages are cheaper compared to their rivals as a result.

    To be honest there is a certain logic, if you’ve ever been in a Ford Focus LX (bottom range) its pretty clear they had to spend quite a bit of money on more basic systems. I honestly thought each LX was sold at a loss

  • It never quite finds its grove.

    Season 1, 2 & 3 all had fantastic premises I would have loved 7 seasons of but were all unrelated and concluded within a season.

    Season 4 actually demonstrates the missed opportunity, they deal with the fall out of season 3

    For example if you think of the scene set in “A Vulkan Hello”, you would have ended up with an Action focussed version of DS9.

    You didn’t need a spore drive, Jason Isaacs could have stayed the same and we could still have watched scientists struggle to become soliders with the war causing the type of fall out we see in Season 4.

  • Clearly you haven’t used Kbin.

    KBin’s have two distinct views “Threads” (Reddit Style) and “Microblogs” (Twitter), the default view is “Threads”. You won’t see posts in the Thread view and you won’t see Articles/Threads in the Microblog view

    Its an option similar to Top/Hot/Newest its existence doesn’t hurt

  • stevecrox@kbin.socialtoReddit@lemmy.worldLemmy banner on r/place
    1 year ago

    Maybe I am old but I don’t understand the NEED for a mobile application.

    The kbin website works well on desktop and mobile web browsers with no render issues. The lemmy mobile apps all seem to be “alpha” quality.

    Why is a buggy app better thana working website?

    I choose an application or website based on which one works best. For example I browse Amazon via the web browser on the phone since the mobile application takes 2-5 seconds to load.

  • stevecrox@kbin.socialtoReddit@lemmy.worldLemmy banner on r/place
    1 year ago

    If your goal is to advertise the fediverse You should have used ‘kbin’.

    People can go directly to “lemmy.ml” but the site might disappear due to Mali re-establishing ownership of .ml domains, also its run by a tankie which will upset some people.

    “Lemmy” provides 10 google sponsored results and then ‘join-lemmy’, the join-lemmy website has you ‘join a server’ and then presents you lots of options.

    During the first Mastodon surge one of their issues is people felt overwhelmed by the options and it hurt Mastodon adoption, so a single website does make a lot of sense. Personally I would suggest lemmy.world its a general instance and the admins aren’t linked to any extremist views, but you said that would be too long.

    If you put ‘kbin’ into search the top result is kbin.social, that makes it seems like a reddit alternate. It keeps user choice limited and brings them into the fediverse. That means people aren’t confronted with the complexity of the fediverse immediately and can learn and understand it at their own pace.

    So if your goal is to advertise the fediverse I would push kbin, if your goal is to specifically get people to use a Lemmy based website I don’t think you have a good option

  • Activity Pub has a few parts, Lemmy implements the Threaded message part.

    Mastodon implements a short messaging (posts) part. Meta’s Threads will implement this.

    KBin implemented both parts, within KBin you’ll see microblog as an option for magazines (communities/subredits). This shows either ‘posts’ made to the magazine or posts with hastags associated with the magazine.

    The posts and threaded message parts have overlap in how they work so mastodon users can see certain threaded messages and comment on them.

  • Github stars is not a good metric, firstly because KBin is hosted on codeberg but mainly because a healthy project has lots of unique contributors and regular updates/enhancements.

    KBin has 79 open Pull Requests, while Lemmy has 29. From a visual check PR’s seem to be older than 2 weeks. Its hard to say one is “healthier” than the other, without scraping information into a spreadsheet.

    Secondly Rust is new and has a lot of hype surrounding it, as a result you get a lot of people using it on random projects.

    Languages have strengths and weaknesses and developer ecosystems build on the strengths.

    For example if I was writing a web application with a database backend I would choose C#, Java or Node.js because there are loads of libraries, tools and frameworks to make it really easy.

    Rust is gaining a lot of adoption by embedded system users (replacing C mostly). Lemmy is the only Rust based web server project I am aware of. Which means the level of work to do anything and to keep it updated falls on the Lemmy devs rather than spread out amongst a larger community.

    Everyone loves to insult PHP but it has a niche in webservers and won’t disappear anytime soon. KBin effort will thus be spent on KBin.

  • There is a standard for sharing tweet style information and for threaded type information between websites.

    You have software which implements the tweet standard (Mastodon), the threaded standard (lemmy) and both (KBin).

    You’ll notice some communities will be community@kbin.social or community@kbin.cafe, etc… this indicates they are not local to the website your using and those addresses are KBin instances, its just your website has a copy of the information.

    KBin is newer than Lemmy, it has a fairly simple responsive design that works well on mobile. Lemmy has a REST api so its easier to build mobile applications, a lot of people seem to expect/need to access websites via mobile applications.

    The key difference is Lemmy is developed by Tankies, they think China’s genocide of Ughurs is justified and they administer lemmy.ml.

  • Engineering is tradeoffs.

    A command shell is focused on file operations and starting/stopping applications. So it makes it easy to do those things.

    You can use scripting languages (e.g. Node.js/Python) to do everything bash does but they are for general purpose computing and so what and how you perform a task becomes more complicated.

    This is why its important to know multiple languages, since each one will make specific tasks easier and a community forms around them as a result.

    If I want to mess with the file system/configuration I will use Bash, if I want to build a website I will use Typescript, if I want to train a machine learning model I will use Python, if I am data engineering I will use Java, etc .