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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Enterprise NVMe drives can do sustained writes of 7GB/s no problem. That’s 58Gbps plus overhead.

    That’s to a single drive.

    If you are a film crew connecting and ingesting multiple raw 8k 120hz video to be edited, this is very useful

    As to whether they use USB4 v2 or thunderbolt, I’m not sure it matters. They look pretty similar, but with thunderbolt it’s very easy to know what the interface is capable of. Good luck when something says “USB 4”.

    USB-C is just a connector - thunderbolt uses the exact same connector.

  • We X-ray these things all the time.

    Many many airliners have slid off runways all the time and reenter service.

    For decades Boeing sold a 737 Gravel Kit for their planes to minimize FOD ingest on unimproved surfaces.


    The gear didn’t collapse. The damage is probably fairly minimal, including the engines which were probably at idle, and they most likely didn’t use or need thrust reversers.

    Not saying it’s a certainty if this happened in the US or EU that it would fly again, but it isn’t impossible.

    I will say it’s unlikely because getting it out of a field in one piece is no small task - and probably more expensive than the plane is worth relative to the parts value, but not because of any inherent damage. Just because the engines are the most valuable thing on a plane and much easier to take those off the plane than move the airframe without damaging it more.

  • What nonsense is this. The airline checks your ticket against your passport prior to departure. If airlines board anyone without the proper passport or visa and are rejected on arrival, it’s the airlines’ responsibility to fly you home on their dime.

    No airline lets you book an international ticket and board it without a valid passport and appropriate valid visas that match the name on the ticket.

    You can of course fly domestically without ID (even getting through TSA, it’s onerous but TSA has a process for that).

    Your information on that ticket is also electronically sent by the airlines to the next port of entry for a huge percentage of countries.

    If that doesn’t match the passport you have, you’re going to have problems at immigration wherever you’re going.

    You can see this is action on any boarding pass you get for international travel.

    It will say something like DOCUMENT CHECK REQD or DOCS OK right on your boarding pass.

  • I do frequently. If you’re going to be so smug, you should also be correct. They purchase a copy of each media that they loan at any single time.

    If they have 5 copies of digital media, 5 people can use them simultaneously. Not more.

    It’s why Libby has a waiting list.

    The internet archive would have been legal if they had a) purchased the copy and b) had not lent it to more than a single person simultaneously (or purchased more copies). They weren’t doing that. They were acquiring (legally or not, I’m not sure) copies and putting on their website for as many people as wanted to read them.

    That is not what libraries do.

    It’s why libraries don’t photocopy infinite books so there’s never a waiting list. You can’t do it with print media, and you can’t do it with digital media.