• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Will definitely have a look at those content creators. I usually donate locally, but I’ll have a look.

    Talking about the Israeli propaganda machine; in South Africa you have the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. An absolutely disgusting openly pro zionist and israeli organisation. They’re super rich so they always try to influence law or policy so that anything pro palestinian isn’t heard and that pro israeli messages must remain loud and clear.

    They lobby the national government, but especially the DA led Western Cape government the way that people describe the US lobbies do to the US government.

    Some people in Cape Town had the back of their houses facing the main roads and highways. So these residents decided to paint the Palestinian flag on those parts of their houses to show support.

    The DA government promptly sent police and public works councellors to force the residents to paint over the flag. Which was absolutely illegal of the government to do because it was private property. But because these people weren’t that well off they couldn’t fight back because law enforcement was there as well.

  • It still doesn’t change the fact that they are correct, despite people not liking or agreeing with them on other occasions.

    I don’t see it as cover for anything, i see it as facts being stated, and should be stated, at a time when people in authority are not stating these facts. Is it politically motivated? Absolutely. But it doesn’t make them wrong, and certainly not wrong for saying it.

    If everyone who takes a position in world politics ( or whatever else) that you don’t agree with is an arsehole, or the 'wrong dude ’ as you put it, then you’re living in a bubble. Just as someone who’s ideas or statements you do agree with can absolutely be an arsehole or the ‘wrong dude’ to many other people.

  • This is Egypt’s reasoning as well. The US and Israel want Egypt to accept all the Palestinians in exchange for Israel opening and not bombing the border crossing.

    Egypt said no, they have to allow humanitarian aid into south Gaza, and stop the bombing in south Gaza. And only dual citizens are allowed to leave.

    South Gaza is where Israel said the Palestinians should evacuate to. Note that Israel is bombing north and south Gaza.

    Israel is refusing. They want all the Palestinians out of their land.

    I mean, this is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing. Israel is commiting ethnic cleansing and genocide for everyone to see. They’re not even being subtle about it in the language they’ve used at press conferences.

    The US, European Union countries and their allies are willing accomplices to ethnic cleansing and genocide. They are absolutely complicit in the murder of Palestinian men, women and children.

    Will any of them be denounced by the International criminal court? Are they going to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and the others for clearly commiting war crimes?

    We all know the answer to that.

    Edit: if Palestinians leave Gaza they would never be allowed to return. Israel will annexe that land like they’ve done with Palestinian land countless times before. And it will become the new normal to pretend that the land was always part of Israel.