Yeah, I have a Home Depot less than 5 min from me. But now I just go the extra distance to Canadian Tire for a lot of the supplies that I usually got from Home Depot. It’s not as convenient, takes longer, and some of those items may cost a little more, but that doesn’t matter to me anymore. I know some items will be American, and that there are no Canadian equivalents, but I’m just trying to avoid US-made products wherever I can.
What’s funny is, they keep calling themselves the ‘leader of the free world’, but in 2024, according to the Cato Human Freedom Index, which measures personal, civil, and economic freedoms, the US ranked 17th. Canada? 11th. And this was not taking into account Trump’s second term. Most of the countries in the top 10 were all European, the countries that the US likes to call ‘socialist welfare states’.