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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I could see trying to change someones mind if you knew them closely, but otherwise its a waste of time. Racism and homophobia have social value because it isolates people they dont like. That is why they are open with their racism. If you try to change their mind, then not only will they not change their mind, not only will they report you to HR for harassing them, and not only will the homophobe running HR think youre a pussy, but a conga line of ugly fucking orcs is going to want to fight you now.

    Its interesting you bring up the KKK, because its exactly that sort of prejudice i bring up. If you see one person say something that shocking and nobody is shocked, then they all agree. You can either realize that YOU are the outcast removed boy, or you can quit your job. If you fight it because youre the next Martin Luther King, then youll just get a bunch of harassment before you get tired and quit.

    Ive lost so mqny great jobs because i thought id be openly gay in an industrial setting. Its not worth it, and neither is saying anything when cletus and jimbob are laughing about putting all thr trans people in a lathe along with the foreman. (Imagine their fake tits exploding when they hit the ground, and their wieners getting stuck in the bar! Herrherr herr herr. )

    Now i keep my mouth shut and respect the fact that rednecks are subhumans that should all just be shot when they think these things. Sin e imtoo much of a pussy to go on a killing spree, i guess i just have to sit and get fucked, like how you should.

  • My understanding is that the majority of the population supports the coup even when the poll is done by biased media opposed to the coup like the Economist or Forbes. If the majority of people supported overthrowing the government then it doesn’t seem like an actual democracy. At least, its not something imposed on the people against their will.

    I guess its a matter of perspective where if you care about the will of the people or if you care about power being transfered via elections even if the elections aren’t for anyone who represents the people. I definatley don’t like the second option but some people do feel that way I suppose.

  • I make 20 an hour at a coal mine. It would be really awesome if i didnt have to be congested all the time and could still get all i need. Im not an ambitious person but i wont let my husband live in poverty. If the minimum wage went up a lot of coal miners would become fast food workers, and the coal company would raise its hiring pay to cope with that. Also, theyd start a hiring spree.

    So by raising the minimum wage a lot of new desirable jobs would open up in my community and all the old workers who only did it for the money would have more freedom.

    It might sound ridiculous, but A LOT of people in heavy industry dont do it for the money. They like the work. I sort of do too tbh. I woild probably quit and then come back to the mines once the next hiring wave started so i could get a quick raise.

    I downvoted you, but i dont like how everyone is so mean on Lemmy now. Just a few months ago it was all smiles and conversation. Now its like reddit and everyone just want to argue. Im not arguing with you. Im adding on to what you said.

  • I just used an old computer, filled it with hard drives, and ran Samba. The config file has to be edited once and its a little cryptic but its a low maitenance thing.

    With samba im able to access it on all my linux machines and my husband can use his windows laptop to watch movies from it.

    I wrote a few scripts that are really just fancy aliases to quickly change directory to the files from my main computer using ssh.

    My main computer has no gui and im using a terminal right now to read lemmy. _

    I use ubuntu on it so it has a gui if i need one.

  • Thats not how the real world works anywhere but an office. I once did what you said at a construction site and became known as “sjw removed” as opposed to my real name. My crime is that i didnt want to work next to a guy that refused to call me anything but “the homosexual” and made political jabs all day. I wasnt asking for him to be fired. I just wanted to be on a different crew. My boss made extra sure his was the only crew i worked on. DO NOT tell your manager. If you are being bullied at work then its already bad enough that your boss will only make it worse.

  • I really like airships as a concept, but they have a major flaw in any universe where planes exist. A plane is much faster than an airship, so airships must be large enough for the mass transport of goods and people via them to be practical. If a plane can haul 10 people from London to Washington Dc in 10 hours, then an airship needs to be able to haul something more economical. Perhaps 100 people in 24 hours. Assuming some degree of technological stagnation, this consideration can allow a dieselpunk setting to have some degree of economic realism.

    I really do like the idea of a world war one era for the technology in my airship setting, but I really do feel like I need to be careful when having planes be a part of the picture.

    Similarly, I must make sure to have the combat exciting, and sometimes that means sacrificing realism for the sake of awesome air pirate fights. For example, having people run around on the deck of an airship is more important than whether or not running around on the top of a ship going that fast would actually work.

    Thanks for reading this comment. I know it might sound like gibberish, but thinking out loud has really helped me work on my Communist steampunk yaoi. It will be very NSFW and involve themes based around the AIDs epidemic and drug addiction, both of which are subjects near and dear to my heart.