• 90 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2020


  • Some music is made by and for lowlifes, where I live is Vallenato, Campesina, Rancheras, Bachata, and 90%of reggaeton.

    Lyrics about asking for forgiveness after cheating, smoking, domestic violent (being the one that does the domestic violence), admitting to spike drinks and brag about it, simping for drug Lords, and women are nothing but a sex object.

    The people who listen to that music is just as you imagine them. Uneducated, sexist, wife beaters, going around in huge SUVs blasting that music outloud with no respect for anyone around then, they are the ones who start blasting the music at 1AM on a Wednesday and doesn’t let anyone sleep in their entire neighborhood.

    People give me shit for this and claim is “culture” but I think there is such a thing as music for lowlifes.

  • So, if I wanna start a 1 billion people religion, gotta write my shit like:

    The Lost Apples

    1. And it came to pass that I went to the park with my apples, But I was so focused on TikTok that I did not heed where I placed them.
    2. And I wandered the park, watching video after video, And when I finally looked up, my apples were gone!
    3. I searched high and low, but they were nowhere to be found. I asked the squirrels and the birds, but they had not seen them either.
    4. And I was filled with great sorrow, for I had lost my apples. I sat down on a bench and began to weep.
    5. But then I remembered the words of the wise: “Do not despair, for all things are in the hands of the Lord.”
    6. And I knew that my apples were safe, even if I could not find them. So I stood up and went on my way, trusting that the Lord would provide.
    7. And as I walked, I saw a little girl sitting on a swing. She was eating an apple, and it was the most delicious-looking apple I had ever seen.
    8. I approached the little girl and asked her where she had gotten the apple. She smiled and said, “A nice man gave it to me.”
    9. And I knew that the Lord had provided. I thanked the little girl for the apple and took a bite.
    10. And it was the most delicious apple I had ever tasted.