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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Holy multi Strawman attack batman LOL.

    Because it’s truly insane and will never get any support in real life.

    It’s got lots of support IRL already. I support it, therefore your assertion of ‘never get support in real life’ is specious and incorrect.

    Absolutely no one

    bzzzt wrong again, I’d vote for estate tax reform in a heartbeat.

    no one will vote in favor of the government confiscating all of your property when you die.

    if this is what you think the estate tax is you’re incredibly stupid. yet another misrepresentation of reality to fit into your premise, but it’s so fucking dumb from the outset it doesn’t even warrant a reply. Yet here we are.

    Tankie shit isn’t popular outside of a handful of message boards.

    Taxing the ultra wealthy isn’t ‘tankie shit’ you fucking dirtbag. Cute attempt to associate ‘people who don’t think a few should horde all the wealth’ with ‘tankies’.

    Your entire argument is lies and garbage. Please, just stop whatever weird piece of performance art this utter shitshow is.

  • so you don’t think the increase in methane is gonna effect this?

    I dunno about you, but ‘lots of doom and gloom’ sells short of utterly fucking shocking temp rises in the ocean, the slowing of the gulf stream and the heat-stroke of a winter the southern hemisphere just endured.

    meteorologist Brian McNoldy of the University of Miami called global air and ocean temperature trends “bonkers,” stating: “People who look at this stuff routinely can’t believe their eyes. Something very weird is happening.” https://www.axios.com/2023/06/13/climate-extremes-warming-charts-concerns

    I’m not trying to fear-monger but I think we’d all be better off frankly recognizing the shit isn’t going to hit the fan, it’s hitting it rapidly and the backblast is beginning to impact. It’s not doom-and-gloom if it’s actual reality people are trying to live through.

  • You’re not going to get any magical solution

    and yet they all believe in their invisible friends and holy books so much… ironic that.

    Israel is a country founded on stolen land by entitled religious extremists. People always leave that part out when they talk about this situation.

    funny how you’re leaving out the near extermination of their people and world recognition of their state, kinda glossing over most of history even. guess you decided to leave those parts out too. It’s almost as if both sides are completely full of shit.
