Transgender women in US prisons are being transferred to men’s facilities despite multiple federal court rulings blocking Trump’s day-one “gender ideology” executive order.
While 17 plaintiffs in lawsuits have been protected, others face transfers, with one woman reporting her records were changed from “female” to “male.”
Attorneys report that prison officials are now requiring incorrect pronouns, denying gender-appropriate clothing, rescinding policies allowing female guards to conduct pat-downs, and in some cases groping and confiscating underwear.
Lawyers and experts argue these actions violate federal law and dramatically increase risks of assault and trauma.
I would NOT want to be a trans woman in a male prison ESPECIALLY if I pass really well.
Jesus christ I feel terrible for them…
Such an unbelievably hateful and nasty thing to do.
Look up v-coding if you want your day ruined. This is an act of violence.
Yes, quite disturbing. Sadly, not too surprising that those that are among the most abused by society outside of prison would be among the most abused inside.
I wish I didn’t look :(
Oh. More or less what I expected, but still absolutely horrible.
Well ffs.
That just took this disgusting shit to a whole new level.
Seems like a stupid move even from the “I hate trans people” camp.
There are going to be some expensive lawsuits coming from this one regardless of how attractive using cognitive dissonance to pretend trans people don’t exist is to you.
You’re assuming they’ll ever pay. The executive is the one that would assist against nonpayment on a judgement, so all the defendant of a lawsuit like this has to do is be friendly with the executive branch.
There’s a special place in hell for trump and his transphobic cult followers.
Why not keep trans women in their own prison facilities? It seems such an easy solution to the issue.
Because that would acknowledge them as humans. They want to punish them for being born.
What’s it called when you do what you want in defiance of the Judiciary, literally 1 co-equal member of the 3 pillars of our entire government!?
Oh well, I guess there’s nothing anyone can do about it then. Tomorrow Americans will have moved on to the next Trump-induced horror and be equally ineffectual about it.