Apple being Apple again. Just why does anyone actually like that company?

    5 months ago

    Oh, man! Quite a bit of traffic on my original comment. I won’t spend time engaging on these since they’re pile-ons, but this is objectively trivial to refute.

    “They’ve almost never done anything new”? Seriously? How about the user interface when everyone was using DOS? Or the Mac Plus/SE/any of half a dozen other macs in the 80s and early 90s that redefined what a computer could act like and look like? When every other PC was a beige box with identical specs?

    Maybe the iPod, which redefined that category and made every other MP3 player obsolete overnight? The iPhone, perhaps? This was the absolute gimme, like I can’t imagine how you made that comment with the iPhone hanging around. What were phones before the iPhone? Blackberries and flip phones. Yeah, it couldn’t copy/paste for two years, but Steve wanted it released, lol.

    The iPad would be another. There were smart watches before Apple’s, sort of, but they were pretty crappy and didn’t do the same stuff.

    While we’re at it, find me some PC laptops that ever debuted with the stuff Apple put in theirs. High-res screens? Touch ID? Face ID? Even OSX, which is old as hell, is built on UNIX and rock-stable – and was definitely innovative when it first came out, as were some of its predecessors. When OSX came out, your alternative was Windows 95.

    Then there are the airpods, I don’t think there were any wireless bluetooth earbuds before those, although I might be wrong. And finally, despite it being way too expensive and five generations away from being useful, the ski goggles. Before you say there’s other VR goggles, recall that only Apple is doing that as AR computing instead of dumb fucking avatars in virtual conference rooms that probably run telemetry on how big your living room is and sell it.

    By all means, say Apple is greedy as hell, but don’t make stuff up.

      5 months ago

      The iPod was so derivative of the creative labs mp3 player that Apple ultimately had to pay them $100 million.

      The Lisa and later the Macintosh copied from xerox. Something that everyone was doing around then. Amiga and Atari ST both had guis. Hell even the commodore 64 had Geos. The Mac didn’t even get color until 1987.

      Handspring had a smart phone, complete with touch screen and apps, years before the iPhone.

      Mac os didn’t have proper multitasking until version 7.5, years after Windows had it.

      Onkyo created the first true wireless earbuds.

      5 months ago

      Everything, all of that existed way before Apple. Just because you are ignorant of history doesn’t make your point right. Apple got all of their ideas from interacting with other companies in private, then stealing their ideas. Jobs was no longer invited to certain demos because of that kind of shenanigans. And oh god, OSX is NOT build directly from UNIX. It’s BSD which they scrapped from the NeXT computer. Everything you are spouting is just wrong. Apple is just good at marketing to chumps who care more about status and looks than usability, and who just buy into the cult mentality and lap all of Apple’s bullshit without rubbing two neurons together long enough to notice they are being scalped with overpriced crap.

        5 months ago

        Please do continue to spew ad-hominem copypasta from every Apple hate thread in the history of Reddit like you’re a first-gen LLM trained on r/foss posts. “All of that existed way before Apple” … please feel free to refute each product I listed as being innovative or new by showing where it previously existed. I’d love to understand how some form of the iPhone was around way before Apple, or the iPad – please go for it.

        As for the statement that OSX is based on BSD, wow! Such an important distinction when BSD is a descendant of UNIX… this is a nice little straw man thing, please go look up what a straw man argument is.

        On Jobs getting banned from demos, that’s actually hilarious. But please do list any products I named that Apple objectively stole. I’m sure you have all the info there.

        Just super fun times, I always hoped that Lemmy would have a higher level of discussion than Reddit. But how can it, when it’s the same people and they’re even more self-important? :D

          5 months ago

          Yeah, the circlejerking and dog piling from people who have no idea what they are talking about is actually far worse here than it was at Reddit - but just know, we aren’t all as misinformed as these people. You’re absolutely correct.

      5 months ago

      You’re making up a lot of stuff, Xerox had a gui UI for a whole decade before apple and they certainly weren’t the only ones.

      The MP3 player they made was literally just a feature limited version of already popular devices. I got my arcos a year before the first apple device was released and it had every single feature that apple would slowly add in every new expensive version over the next decade

      Apple does hype and marketing, that’s their innovation - taking a feature restricted version of a technology and getting celebrities and media idiots to pretend it’s the best thing in the world and actively ignore or discount the many better options.

        5 months ago

        Yes, Xerox PARC existed, and was totally non-commercial / didn’t offer any product. Saying the iPod was the same thing as all those crappy MP3 players we all lugged around in the aughts is objectively LOL. The rest of your comment is pretty much ad-hominem and editorial – and of course, you don’t refute the rest of my points because you can’t.

        Bottom line, discussions like this on Lemmy are no different than Reddit ever was. They’re circlejerks. I figured I’d drop in this one time to note that, but ultimately it’s pretty boring.

            5 months ago

            They existed before iPod, they just didnt get the marketing blitz Apple did. Cowon comes to mind, and had much better quality audio.

            I did some research on this, because I was a big fan of MP3 players in the late 90s early 2000s and never heard of them. Turns out that the only Cowon Mp3 player I could find from around the iPod launch was the iAudio CW200, which had a capacity of 256MB.

            This explains why I had never heard of it, as I was shopping for HDD-based players that could hold my entire library(I was looking at PJB, Nomad, Archos, etc).

            Sorry but this illustrates OP’s point. The iPod was the smallest HDD-based player on the market for years, all the other HDD players were chunky and could barely fit in a pocket. All the flash-based players had pitiful capacity. It wasn’t that there were no MP3 players, it was that all the products had compromises that made them not ready for mass adoption.

            While OP is overstating some things, your counter examples are rife with oversights like this.

            As an example you are badmouthing Apple’s “low resolution displays”, while missing the fact that the MacBook Pro was the first ever mass market high dpi laptop. Ironically Samsung had produced a limited production laptop with a similar screen, but because Samsung lacks focus and had 1000 different laptop SKUs, they didn’t make it a premiere feature of their brand, instead Apple simply bought out Samsung’s entire manufacturing capacity for years and put them in their laptops.

            This is the pattern. There are interesting technologies, but they are in products with mediocre design or appeal, and are not mass produced. Apple identifies these technologies, optimizes them, integrates them, ensures that there is a good user experience, makes a million of them, makes a billion on that, then changes the entire landscape of the market they entered by virtue of their success.

          5 months ago

          Everyone says I’m dumb when I simp for a shitty corporation that exists on hype alone

          It must be because I’m so superior to every tech community on the web and they’re circlejetking
