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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You’re making up a lot of stuff, Xerox had a gui UI for a whole decade before apple and they certainly weren’t the only ones.

    The MP3 player they made was literally just a feature limited version of already popular devices. I got my arcos a year before the first apple device was released and it had every single feature that apple would slowly add in every new expensive version over the next decade

    Apple does hype and marketing, that’s their innovation - taking a feature restricted version of a technology and getting celebrities and media idiots to pretend it’s the best thing in the world and actively ignore or discount the many better options.

  • This is silly, not mentioning Iran as the actual people training and funding Hamas is either very deceptive or evidence you have no idea about anything happening in the middle East.

    Also acting like Hamas are the only terrorist organisation in the middle East and a total novelty is absolutely absurd, when people call them freedom fighters without any reference to what they’re actually saying they’re fighting for is again totally deceptive or from a total lack of understanding - they don’t want freedom they want a theocratic dictatorship and death to all non Muslims.

    That’s not too say everything Israel have done of good or moral but painting Hamas as innocent people just fighting for their freedom is laughable

  • You’re pushing a very niche view as if it’s universal, I get why you’re doing it but you’re wrong to. There is no single solution to transport requirements and while the vast majority of leftists of course agree public transport is vital it’s not a magic solution for everything and outside the car hate bubble is very rare for anyone, even a leftwing person, to be staunchly anticar.

    You might not like it but it’s reality.

  • I can agree with some of that but I really don’t think it’s akin to MySpace, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t use YouTube for something, sure there are a million Iphone unboxing videos but there’s also how to reach the awkward nut on my exact model car, literally everything I need to get started in my new hobby, and a million funny videos and interesting projects to relax to.

    We might see something replace YouTube it it’s better at video sharing, there’s a way for creators to get paid and it can attract an audience but that’s a big ask.

  • It’s an amazing video sharing site that’s made the world better in so many ways, especially for small businesses and individuals. Just the access to video guides on how to repair things was a game changer on its own, breaking content creators out of the traditional media monopoly has been absolutely huge.

    All this and the only cost is they occasionally show adverts, it’s such a tiny tiny price

  • This is one of those things that is so set in people’s minds, I’d love to know what you actually imagine happening when you say it - like what you’re picturing.

    I’ve been giving friends pop quizes about Xinjiang when they bring it up, so far not found a single person who knows anything about any single part of it.

    It’s interesting because so many people claim to be deeply concerned about it but no one ever seems to have any real desire to learn about it, I’ve seen a million infographics this week about Palestines population and the history and everything but no one ever posts facts about the situation in China even though it’s mentioned endlessly in glib comments.

  • So they should just provide you a totally free service the costs them money because…? Are they still going to pay creators or do you want everyone to work for free to entertain you?

    Petition the government to make a nationally owned and run video sharing site if that’s what you want, don’t be surprised when a capitalist company doesn’t give you everything you want for free

  • But you agree if Israel couldn’t defend themselves they’d have all been killed long ago?

    What are they supposed to do just sit idle and accept that powerful nations are going to continue to train, supply and support terrorists attacking them? That they’ll never feel safe and will regularly have to accept the deaths of loved ones in terror attacks?

    I don’t think Israel is acting well but also I have experienced the reaction of people when terrorists attack the city they live in and simply can’t believe any nation would respond much better - and again I want to say that im only talking about the Israelie perspective and likewise were any other nation in the position of Palestine they would react pretty much how Palestine is reacting - and of course you can go back and say well this happened because of this and that happened because of that… At a certain point it’s of course England’s fault but they had literal boats full of emaciated victims of histories most brutal oppression with no where to put them that wouldn’t cause decades of chaos and violence.

    The raw truth is history is ugly and messy, the Jewish people have been victims for centuries so it’s really not hard to see why a portion of them are going to be very obsessive about self defence. Why a portion of them aren’t going to have patience for the 763rd group of people to say they should be pushed into the sea and eradicated entirely.

    If we could draw a line under history and say the past doesn’t matter that would be great but of course it’s not that simple, it’s never simple.

  • Yeah, especially considering the initial attack was likely somewhat related to trying to stop Israel and Saudi Arabia’s growing friendship, but can anyone name a country that wouldn’t demand vengeance after the atrocities at the music festivals and overrun communities?

    The attack was designed to be brutal to force a brutal response, probably designed to be like that by Iranian religious fanatics who couldn’t care less about the Palestinian population as long as they’re a good weapon to use against Israel.

    None of that justifies Israel doing awful things but it does make it harder to think about.

  • It’s so hard though, people really want to pick a side and I get that because it makes it much easier to think about and emotionally deal with but the reality is it’s a painfully complex situation.

    The same question exists for Israelis, the only reason they aren’t being massacred is because of their hugely expensivel security systems and the fact every citizen does three years of military service - if their whole existence wasn’t focused on protecting themselves there would be a very different political climate and far better people in power.

    And yes it’s easy to say ‘they shouldn’t be there in the first place’ but that’s also very reductive, a lot of things in history shouldn’t have had to happen but it’s too late now - what are they supposed to do just stop existing? Of course that is what a lot of people want to happen, the countries funding Hamas and Hezbollah for example…

    The hard truth is Israel would never be in the position Palestine is, they’re either strong enough to defend themselves or they all get killed - I wouldn’t want to be in either sides shoes.