• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2021


  • You can use a methodology from soil testing for this that doesn’t require extra gear. Sieves (like with soil texturing) will give you a faster more accurate answer. Here it is:

    Get a narrow glass jar. Fill it a little way with ground coffee. Fill with water. Shake. Set on shelf and wait a few hours up to a day.

    The larger pieces will settle first and the finer settle last. You can see the sorting of them through the glass. If you use consistent amounts of coffee and the same container, you can measure depth of layers. I.e. this grinder makes .5cm of fines to 3cm of ideal to .2cm of too large.

    Bonus is you can use this method for making cold brew, so you don’t waste the coffee or water.

  • Poach equals lower temp liquid. It can be oil or water type liquid. Boil is maximum temp water type liquid only. Blanching is boiling for a short time with the intention of not cooking all of the way through (eg to get skin off or to prepare for preservation by freezing).

    Fry and saute are used interchangably all the time. One person’s fried onions is another’s sauted onions. Saute should indicate small pieces turned or tossed in a moderate amout of fat. Fry can be small or large pieces and can have moderate to lots of fat as a cooking medium.

    Note that this is how normal people in my region and life use these terms and I make no claim that this is ‘right’ just my experience.