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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Agree with pretty much everything in your comment, I found this episode to have no emotional weight because of how lacking the second half of the show was. All the emotional trauma and emotional growth that could’ve been explored was completely sidelined for the sake of supernatural fantasy stuff. So many times they would show how Miyo wasn’t able to speak her mind, communicate effectively or stand up for herself and everytime I thought it would lead to some kinda growth or change in Miyo and it never really did.

    As for Usuba family, I really hate how the show presented them as secret good guys, that was so weird, maybe a bit out of the left field but it kinda reminded me of wonder woman sleeping with that guy without consent in the second movie, like thats fucked up but the writers clearly don’t seem to recognize it as such. The cousin trying to manipulate Miyo into marrying him and being his obedient housewife who dutifully raises their kids and never ever leaves the house is really really fucked up, but never was it presented as such in the show. The grandpa leaving his poor sick daughter to fend for herself in a shitty abusive relationship and then ignoring his grandkid until her powers manifested was also presented as no biggie, he kinda regrets it so its cool I guess? For a show about a victim of lifelong abuse this show doesn’t seem to recognize what abuse is.

    Overall my opinion of the show is it started strong and ended really mediocre, I really didn’t jibe with the second half.

  • I think there is a version of the story in which Miyo’s dreams could help her piece together her mother’s backstory while simultaneously strengthening the bond with Kudo as they work together to overcome the burden these undeveloped powers place on her body.

    I was really really hoping it would go something like this, it was such a good opportunity to help Miyo explore herself and her relationship with Kudo instead they went this weird route with her family.

    It just feels like a squandered opportunity if you want to make a character whose superpower is related to dreams and then the dreams aren’t really used to further the story.

    Agree so much. I’m really not jiving with the way this show is going, I hate this perfect victim, goody two shoes, always ready to blame herself version of Miyo, I was hoping she’d learn to be more than that but it doesn’t seem the show is too keen on giving her that kinda character development.

  • Desperately waiting for Miyo to develop some sense of self worth and stop taking shit from people.

    So the cousin’s plan was to make a deal with the emperor to get Miyo back and then what? Keep her locked in the house forever, marry her against her wishes and have children? How is he any different than her previous family?

    This is a recurring thing in this show that’s starting to really irk me, characters do reprehensible things to Miyo and then the show just shrugs it off like it’s no biggie, the shithead cousin is already getting a redemption arc without the show even acknowledging how fucked up what he did is, grandfather isn’t much better but with the way they are portraying him I’m supposed to have a favorable opinion of him and I really don’t.

  • Well that was a frustrating watch… It makes sense but It’s still always annoying to see how little self worth Miyo has, she didn’t even think about how fucked up it was that her family let her get abused all those years and only cared once they discovered she has abilities, thankfully Kudo and his sister realized how cruel that was.

    Also Miyo not being able speak for herself and Kudo not giving her opportunity to do so even though his intentions are kind is something that’s been shown multiple times now, I hope it’s leading to something.

  • I’ve been loving this show but this episode didn’t really do as much for me as I was hoping, not sure why Kudou didn’t arrive at the house with authorities, are the families just not going to suffer any legal consequences? Whatever punishment they did receive in this episode was very tame.

    The set up for whats happening next in the story feels like a redo of the current arc. Some creepy guy working from shadows to control Miyo, I hope it’s different in some significant ways.

    Personally I enjoy Miyo going through life and rediscovering her sense of self and healing a lot more than the supernatural magic bloodlines drama.

  • Miyo is so unbelievably precious, every scene that highlights her struggles had me in tears, especially the scene where she’s sewing her clothes secretly, desperately trying not to be a disappointment to her potential husband.

    I suspect this anime will be kinda wish fulfillment sort of anime where the sad lonely girl gets saved by the cool strong guy and honestly I am okay with that, I am finding it very charming and have my fingers crossed that Miyo rediscovers her self worth and starts seeing herself as worthy of love.