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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Wow. There are literally zero details in this article and everyone has labeled the cop a murderer. What a thankless, shit job, police. Could it not have been that the officer arrived on scene to an armed individual who then attempted to murder him? He’s conducting a welfare check, the person he’s checking on may not be all there… Both the checker and the checkee are humans and matter here!

    Which is where I and the rest of the ACAB folks will probably start to agree - cops shouldn’t be the ones responding to these calls. The hard part is that sending unarmed social workers into dangerous scenarios is not the answer either. Tough problem to solve. World’s not perfect. Give your fellow human the benefit of the doubt, though. Not every cop is a murderous bastard, and thinking that way isn’t helping anyone except tickling your own smug feelings. It’s also a sweeping generalization, something that’s both foolish and frowned upon these days. This an appeal to the humanity in all of you - quit writing off humans with a single acronym. You are removing their humanity and labelling them a monster. We can look to history to learn from the same mistake.

  • Honestly, no. It’s your job to vet the software you run. If it’s open source, you had every chance to make sure it wasn’t going to irreversibly break your system ahead of time.

    Alternatively, you could pay money for a solution from a reputable company with support.

  • OF has only existed for 7 years. The lower and middle class has been struggling for much longer than this. Wages have been stagnant for much longer than this. What did these women with ‘no other options’ do before OF? What do the struggling men do?

    People almost always have options… They just may not like them. Let’s please all stop pretending these women are forced into or have no other option than OF. They are choosing to because it is a convenient way to make extra income. It’s a convenient side hustle. Why would they spend time creating a product to sell or learning a trade or skill when they can point a camera at themselves? Much faster and easier. And there’s nothing wrong with that - let’s just be honest when we have these conversations.

  • They don’t need to expose themselves online to make a good living though. I think it’s important to distinguish that - this is an easy and accessible way for most women to make a few extra bucks or a good living, but they don’t need to and there are plenty of options to make a good living that don’t require showing off your naked body out there.

    The middle class is being squeezed and many if not all jobs should pay more than what they do - not trying to debate that here. But to pretend women have no other options or somehow feel a need to do OF… Disingenuous at best.

  • I’ll stand by my original point, but I do agree that the global consciousness is everything you stated. It’s also young. It skews hard toward the younger generation who grew up with it currently. Very interested to see what it’s like in the future when everyone uses it grew up with it. Probably still shit TBH - humanity really sucks ass in a lot of ways - but I do think it will mature somewhat.

    I’ll also agree that we are in desperate need of philosophical and sociological advancement. I think it’s important to keep in mind they’re not mutually exclusive; we can and are working on both at the same time, and technological advancement can help or eliminate issues in the other areas mentioned.

    You can’t stop progress. And we shouldn’t try to. We do need to address serious, solvable social issues in the world though, and technology can and has facilitated that in the past. Medicine is technology, remember. Humanity is absolutely equipped to make much use of augmentation, but I will not pretend there are no downsides. The tech will be used for both good and evil and that’s just nature. In all things, balance.

  • I can’t boil augmentation down to materialism. Think further than chopping off your limbs and replacing them with sweet robot arms, you’ll find a world of questions that are hard to answer and put you face to face with what it means to be human - something we are often too comfortable in our daily lives to do.

    Too little to gain? There is everything to gain. Human capability is what brought us this magic rock in our hands that we poke to operate every part of our lives from finances to relationships to shopping and we use it to communicate with the world. With the internet, cheap mobile phones, and wireless tech, humanity has given itself a global consciousness through sheer ingenuity and genius, and now we’re on the precipice of the AI age. Significantly enhancing human capability isn’t mind blowing to you? It’s just materialism? The good and bad that may come from augmentation… It’s overwhelming, honestly.