Yeah, that mindset was steep in a little bit of truth and a little bit of racism. China couldn’t stay behind the United States for eternity, that’s not how the flow of time works and they’re making all of our stuff so they know how to make it better.
It’s become a conservative safe space, fuck that place so hard
Then you can let the shit box that is Reddit make free money off your back for what appears to be eternity or until your advice is no longer relevant, but you do you, but I am here to judge, lol
I know, right, the fucking balls of Google to fucking say this
There are tools that you can use on your phone and I’m not sure about your computer that will go through your account and fill your old comments with gibberish
Or Bobby Droptables
I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s a classic if not a cult classic, most people know about this movie love it.