Skate fast, eat ass

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Oh my goodness I’m so sorry. I used to work with dementia patients in college and it runs in my family. Thankfully I’ve seen patients who’ve lived for a decade or two after being diagnosed. Although time and quality of life depends on the diagnosis and treatment success along with other health factors. Frustratingly, brains are complicated so research isn’t moving fast enough.

    If you are taking medications to mitigate symptoms or delay the onset I hope they help and that your outlook is long. Just don’t stop taking them without talking to your doctor first, even if it doesn’t seem like they help much. My uncle deteriorated quickly because he thought the meds weren’t helping and quit without telling anyone.

    Wish I could hug you or help or something. Try to stay positive as much as you can and I hope for the best possible outcome for you.