• Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So you admit slavery was ended by progressives. The “Republican” party was the progressive party at the time of emancipation. The parties famously swapped political orientations later during the “Southern Strategy” period, completing their swap in the 1960’s. That should also explain why Republicans were racist in the 1960’s, but were progressive before that. If you ever get confused, just follow the racism. The racist party of any given time period is the conservative one.

    Either you know about the party orientation swap and are being deceptive in your language or you didn’t know that and should take your own advice.

    Regarding Robert Byrd, he was a notoriously conservative shitbag (which explains his racism) who happened to run as a Democrat for conservative voters. That happens these days as well. See Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema as current day examples.

    Joe Biden has always been a neo-liberal, which is just a well-dressed conservative with tact and intelligence. He’s become more socially progressive later in his career, but is still a neo-liberal (conservative by all international standards).

    Every word uttered by a conservative is deception, manipulation or profoundly incorrect. Every single word. Your commentary is further evidence.of that.

      • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Aaaaand now you are outright lying. You know we can just look up this extremely basic History 101 material, right? I would suggest you follow your own advice and study up, but I suspect reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Ask a friend to read this Wikipedia entry for you. It covers the party switching you claim never happened.

        It also describes the “Liberal Republican” party of Lincoln’s time as well as the conservative Democrats, who later became the Dixiecrats of the south. You’ll note the Democrats of Lincoln’s time are absolutely the conservative racist party of the south (you know, the confederates whose statues Republican’s strangely love so much nowdays).

        Your deceptive position is so weak that, as another user pointed out, even if it were true (which it’s not), it means nothing because of the absurd levels of racism, bigotry misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia the conservatives of today pride themselves on. It’s truly grotesque and indefensible, yet here you are trying fecklessly to defend it.

        It’s hard to know if you really believe your absolute falsehoods or if you are just gullible enough to believe what the other conservatives teach you on stormfront or nambla or wherever conservatives hang out these days.

        Either way, you continue to prove that very word uttered by a conservative is a lie, manipulation or profoundly incorrect. So, thank you for being so predictable.

          • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            My “poorly written source” is Wikipedia, which in this case, cites multiple reputable, scholarly sources for its data.

            I know wickerpedio and book-lernin aint as good as wut uncle daddy lernt ya, but i gess this collij book stuff is all us dum libs got!

            Then, you follow that deceptive and inaccurate complaint about the quality of the source with a list of legislative voting results apparently based on the premise that the last party switch (which you originally claimed never happened at all) happened in 1948. What you fail to note is that the party switch famously lasted throughout the 1960’s. To help illustrate that timing (and since you bought up “Storm Thurman”, whoever that is), notorious racist Strom Thurmond’s switch from the Democrats to the Republicans in the 60’s happened because of the passage of the civil rights act. He stated his reason for switching parties was because the Democrats no longer represented the right people.

            I’ll type this next part slowly because I know you don’t read fast. A party switch does not take place in a single day or a single year. It takes place over decades. In light of your inaccurate and impossible premise that “the last party switch happened in 1948”, your long list of context-free legislative vote outcomes from the 1960’s is not evidence of anything at all, now is it?