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I have respect for the teacher. She is willing to risk her job to stand up for her values and is not bending the knee. Every Democrat should take a good long look at her.
She sounds like someone who should run for office if she gets fired over this
“This policy is designed to maintain consistency across all classrooms while ensuring that no one group is targeted or offended by the display of certain items.”
The district underlined that its policies are not intended to limit free speech but to ensure fairness in classroom materials.
Imagine being offended by “Everyone is welcome here”. Racist snowflakes the lot of them
For anyone who didn’t click through to the article, here are pictures of the two posters in question. She wasn’t asked to remove anything else. The article made clear this wasn’t a situation where the school backed down after pushback, and that even after prolonged meetings and discussions with legal counsel, they’re still threatening her with repercussions if the posters aren’t removed by the end of the school year.
On the first one the brown hands outnumber the paler hands and that scares the shit out of them. The second one has rainbow colors and that also scares the shit out of them.
I was straight but I looked at this poster and now I’m queer. It really is that simple, a poster can make you LGBT.
Surprising that anyone other than an actual Albino would identify with the palest hands on that poster.
raises his pale, sun-forgotten, semi-transparent hand
“The Scottish and the Northern British, sir”
We need to ban the rainbow! Anyone who talks about, it takes pictures of, rainbows should be sent to concentration camps straight away! Rainbows do not exist. /s
I once had someone tell me that people were turning gay because we put rainbows on everything. I told him that rainbows are how God apologizes for fucking up. He called me a liar, I told him to read the Bible he carried everywhere.
Never saw him again, I doubt he took my advice or learned anything.
Well, I mean, clearly you can see that these posters are terrifying to anyone who isn’t onboard for the radical Marxist Communist woke liberal antifa agenda?
Also, this teacher is just advertising that she’s a GROOMER.
“White children shouldn’t feel like racists in their own classroom.”
Maybe these kids need to learn some history, their privilege doesn’t end just because they are young.
The assholes in charge are going to work as hard and as fast as possible to re-write that history. They keep saying that have a small window to “fix” the national debt and that is their excuse for much of this bullshit.
What they really want to do is to radically remake America. Very, very extremist. The “fiscal responsibility”/“debt” thing is nonsense and used as cover.
Remember how they kept hyperventilating about how Obama said he was going to go about “fundamentally transforming” the country? Yeah, every single accusation is a confession with these people.
we need to save these kids and get them to a priest, ASAP!
And I’m still running into people everyday that says the U.S.A. is th greatest country in the world by a longshot, they think im crazy that I think they’re crazy.
and not me getting nervous that DEI is still an important part of our curriculum where I work (A school) and wonder if some trump gestopo is gonna come knocking.
The US is objectively not the greatest country, and the statement is tired and trite. It’s a corporate slogan. Only True Believers™️ say that shit, and they’re just crabs in a bucket stepping on each other to climb to the top.
This policy is designed to maintain consistency across all classrooms while ensuring that no one group is targeted or offended by the display of certain items.
Removing this display does literally the exact opposite of that.
The key in that phrase is “offended”. You see, right-wing parents get offended when brown people are welcomed.
Yeah, but it triggers future homophobic, white incels!
What about the straight white cis men?? When will someone think of them???
Logically that means whoever would be offended by that sign is offended because part of everyone is people who are not like them, i.e. they are admitting their preconceived bias. Those people are who most need this sign, so that they can learn that not everyone is like them. Those people need to go back to 6th grade.
On the surface, the policy sounds completely reasonable. That kind of thing is probably standard in most schools the world over.
What’s insane is that we’re at a point where “welcoming people” is offensive to somebody.
Or maybe more realistically, it’s easy to feign offence at a bland statement like that and be a bigot without being forced to say the quiet part out loud.
Also, isn’t it the Republicans that love to plaster on a big punchable smirk and tell everyone they don’t have a right to not be offended? I mean, in this, they are actually correct - people do have a free speech right to be absolute assholes in what they do and say, for the most part. Free speech does have its limits, yes, but if someone else gets offended, well…too bad. Free speech is there to protect speech others do not like and yes, that includes speech that will offend liberals.
But wow, the very second the right might have the least bit of offense - they think the government should step in.
See for example the actual political correctness they try to enforce around the rituals when a song plays at a sportsball event, or forcing kids to say “under god” while they force them to say the pledge at schools. Or about burning flags in protest, or a president they support being burned in effigy. Or trying to get their book club smuggled into schools. Or not genuflecting for “the troops”, but only when there is a profitable war of aggression on the table, and so on. Or people not going out of their way to say, pointedly, “MERRY XMAS” (vs. the easy shorthand of Happy Holidays to cover both xmas and New Years, FFS. GD these babies are such whiners. Saying Happy Holidays was never a problem until these assholes had to act like it was some personal insult to them, even if they were just jagoffs that were only nominal xtians anyway. ) to these special snowflakes.
Apparently, they think they have the right to not be offended their entire fucking lives.
I understand uniformity and all, but there’s also a lot of over-sheltering going on. Part of being ready for the world is knowing things out there are rarely fair and most of us get offended at one point or another. You learn to brush it off and grow thicker skin, making you a stronger individual.
I agree, we shouldn’t be coddling folk triggered by messages like “Everyone is Welcome”. They need to toughen up and learn to accept messages of inclusivity.
They SHOULD feel uncomfortable if they don’t like this sign. It’ll put hair on their chest.
Maybe they should grow thick enough skin to not get offended at this sign.
I don’t see how people are so opposed to the idea that “we should help our children become strong and robust so that they’re not offended by everything”.
Life is a lot easier when you can handle people saying and doing things you don’t like without it breaking you. I’m not saying injustice should be tolerated: Quite the opposite. I’m saying that fighting injustice is easier if you are robust enough withstand it when it’s directed at you.
My impression is that that’s what you mean, in which case I wholly agree.
I strongly disagree with you.
Aside from the fact that teaching children to be inclusive and accepting is the path to these things being normal in the future, “well you have to learn to be offended” is the shield of the bully. It’s what people who want to be assholes say to protect their assholery.
But you know what, if someone needs to learn to be offended then maybe it’s the bigots and bullies that need to learn that inclusive language is here to stay and to just deal with it.
I agree with that last part, but I do think the notion that people should not learn that they won’t be offended is not a great life lesson. I also don’t think anyone should be messaging that bullies are right or that they are given a free pass and so on.
But I think instilling a certain amount of resilience in everyone would be beneficial, long term. Life throws a lot of shit at you, including a barrage of offensive things.
Ironically, it actually turns out that the cons are weaponizing this sort of thing by demanding the signs come down, because they are claiming they are “offended”.
I’m not sure why we’re name calling (that’s what bullies do, right?) but I was definitely the receiver of the bullying growing up and have never bullied others.
I think the sign is fine and when I see signs that aren’t inclusive of me, I’m fine with that too. If my kids see something that they are uncomfortable with, I’ll talk to them about it. I’m not going to storm down to the principal and demand to know why someone dared to not include my child. Over-sheltering kids does them an injustice because they’re unprepared. That’s the point I was making, not some pro-bigot diatribe or whatever you’re describing.
We absolutely should be inclusive, and we should also prepare our children for an imperfect world. You can do both.
If you don’t see a problem with the sign being up then I’m not sure why you needed to offer a counterpoint that we’re “over sheltering” children. Taking the time to write out a rebuttal sure would seem to indicate that you think the signs coming down are a good thing.
I beat my kids to make them stronger
Okay then.
“Professor I have received a report that you are being insufficiently racist” - An actual American School.
Just print out the word “not”, wedge it into the sign: problem solved.
Between this and not feeding the TSA police dogs, we’re really approaching cartoonish levels of evil from the regime.
It used to be “all lives matter” and now it’s this? Wow.
You can only say “all lives matter” if you are using it as a bad faith way to shit on the suggest that cops shouldn’t be able to freely murder brown people.
If it’s not a thought terminating response/part of the catechistic call-and-response slogan routine, then it might actually be a suggestion that all/everyone include black people or queer people.
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal - Animal farm
A teacher who is passionate about her job and wants all her students to feel welcome? Can’t have that! /s
In a time when teachers are overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated, what a stupid decision to try to drive them away and crush their morale. I feel bad for the kids stuck in such backward districts. But this teacher (and others like her) deserves better than all this Idaho bullshit.
They don’t want educated children.
You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. And now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your f**kin’ retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
Very prescient, except for the fact that they’ll soon be skipping over the worker part right to automation all up and down the line and there will not be any UBI for the “useless eaters”.
They want their own children to be educated in private schools and by tutors not available to common people, and everyone else just educated enough to do their jobs and work for them.
Maybe a few scholarships especially targeted at a few poor “gifted” children, that produce false hope and additional shame if you can’t be “good” enough for one of those scholarships.
They don’t want anyone actually educated…
They want their kids groomed in the appropriate cult thinking and they want everyone else’s kids groomed in the appropriate fealty to their chosen/anointed/deserving cult members.
🤦♀️ 🤷♀️ 🙄
Hm, I get the sentiment, and while I think that can be a dynamic to consider, I know authoritarian systems often have this dynamic, where the upper class believes themselves to be worthy of “forbidden” knowledge. Take Kim Jong-un having been sent to school in Switzerland, the Nazi top brass collecting and enjoying otherwise censored/forbidden media, many early modern philosophers staying alive by tutoring the children of aristocrats and later industrialists, with knowledge that wouldn’t be allowed for the “common rabble”.
Now, they indeed are in the conflict of wanting their children to be obedient extensions of themselves and at the same time wanting them to be competent enough to carry on and be useful to their own legacy. That has been a pretty inherent conflict to patriarchical systems, including those in contemporary capitalism, basically ever since class society has been a thing. But overall, they do want at least the children they expect to take their place one day, to be competent enough to withstand the “dog-eat-dog”-world they favour, which often includes education on “alternative thinking”.
You are right, though, of course, that all those things will still be viewed through their ideological lens. Historical developments like class conflict has to be taught from their perspective, for example, and with the moral stance of the ruling class on it. Knowledge will often only be superficially understood, so they can feel superior in “knowing” it, without risking proper engagement. But those dynamics are also very old and widespread even today. I remain with my position of thinking, that they do want an “elite” education for themselves, including things otherwise deemed inappropriate or even forbidden. Hypocrisy is an integral part of authoritarian systems.
Great point. But I think it’s even more than that. Not only do they want kids uneducated, they don’t want them to be happy or well-adjusted. They want an legion of angry, resentful, miserable, malleable subordinates.
Privatize. That’s what they want to do to all of it.
“West Ada School District has been and always will be committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all students while upholding district policies,” the statement reads.
Their statement seems to violate their policy as well.
I was just thinking that. I wanted to scream at my monitor “you just fucking repeated what the sign said in your statement about why you’re removing the fucking sign!”
I loved that they fed what is just boilerplate to the press while missing the irony of copying what the teacher said.
Also, sports teams are ok? I thought it was about learning? For profit billionaire owned wealth concentrating, public fund leeching, extremely segregated arbitrary loyalty-building exercises have much less of an appropriate place in school–and I quite enjoy athletics.
Political affiliation is not a protected class. Sorry Mr Kennedy head.
Tolerance of intolerance leads to intolerance.
Idaho is, has been, and will always be a racist backwater flyover country. I have never heard anything positive coming out of that state.
Hey now. I’m from that state, and I’m positive that I have no regrets about getting the fuck out of there.
I’m positive I’m getting the fuck out of idaho.
Its geographic beauty is balanced by the racist ugliness of its inhabitants
I wonder if they notice if you really overdo what they want like sings with “only white old rich people or poor people who want to be slaves are welcome here”
I think the board wants a sign that says “some of YOU PEOPLE should bugger off”. What a bunch of cowards